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in Android by (12.2k points)

Typical errors on Google Play

1 Answer

+14 votes
by (201k points)
Most likely you ever experienced problems with Google Play Store, or has blocked you, standing, or received any error messages when download applications, etc.The conflicts that may arise are several, but in principle there 7 possible solutions to problems or common mistakes.
Solution 1: Empty the cache of Google Play
Sometimes with just empty the cache of the Google Play Store app is suficiente.La cache stores temporary data which can then be recovered quickly without having to reload them again (similar to the operation of the websites) .For empty just have to open the 'Settings click en'Aplicaciones ybuscar implementing Google Play Store.Pulsandosobre she will see several options, including the empty caché.Este step could solve many cases errores.Solución 2 delete data from Google Play
Solution 2: If Solution 1 has not worked for you, you can try deleting data from Google Play Store.Para get there follow the same steps to empty the cache but instead of emptying cache will have to press delete data.
Solution 3, uninstall updates Google Play, in fact this solution is the intention to Google Play Store to its beginnings without updating más.Para get there follow the same steps as the previous solutions and we click Uninstall actualizaciones.Esta solution can help a lot more problems comunes.
Solution 4 empty cache and delete data from Google Play Services
If we still faulty or presents error messages then we trying to do the same trick to empty the cache but in the Google Services Play.El access to the option you have it following the same steps, but instead of selecting Google Play select and click Google Services
Solution 5, reactivate the download manager. Sometimes you may have accidentally turned off or forget the Download Manager, if you disable Google Play funcionaría.Para not retrieve see a 'Settings' then 'Applications' and seek administrador.Clicar and then click on enable, however, if the button only gives you the option to 'disable' do not worry, this means that the Download Manager is active.
Solution 6, delete and re-establish Google account
Another solution would be to delete your account and go back to registrarla.Debemos 'Accounts & sync', select the Google option and select our cuenta.Pulsar the menu button and select 'remove or delete account', then confirm your choice and dispositivo.Una restart your time on you can already reset your account Google.Ir to 'Settings' Accounts' Add Account' Google 'and introduce your data again.
Now if the problem still persists you can check that the error is in the next group of typical errors:
Google Play Store "Error 403"
This problem usually occurs when two Google accounts are used to purchase applications in a single device.
Solution: Go to the Google Play Store and set the correct account. Uninstall the application. Then try to get the application from Google Play again and click the buy button.
Google Play Store "Error 413"
The problem is that downloading apps or updates are made impossible. If you use a proxy, remember that this can cause problems with the operation of the Google Play Store.
Solution: In Settings, press locate programs, and then go to everything. Scroll down to the services of Google and tap clean the data and then force stop. Do the same with the Google Play Store app and delete the cache of your browser.
Google Play Store "Error 491"
The problem is not being able to download and update apps from Google Play.
Solution: Delete your Google account, go to the settings of your device, go to accounts and then to Google. Click to delete the account. Restart your Android and add the account again. Then, in the configuration go to Applications and click find "All" applications. Scroll down to the services of Google, click delete data and finally forced.
The problem is that it is impossible to install an application due to Dalvik cache.
Solution: If you use the app S2E sure not activated Dalvick Cache: if so simply .If deschequélo and restart the terminal is not the case go to Settings, find programs, and then slide Each and scroll down to the services of Google. Here select wipe data and then force the shutdown. Do the same in the Google Play Store application. If the problem persists, try clearing the Dalvik cache. To do so, enter the custom recovery mode (only if the root). Another solution is to complete a reset factory data erasing. This option applies to all users and can be done in recovery mode. Be careful, because if you wipe data make sure you have a copy of everything you want to keep.
Google Play Store "Error 498"
The problem is the interruption of downloads from Google Play store.
Solution: The problem is that the device cache memory is full. Remove applications and unneeded files that can help. Restart your smartphone into recovery mode by pressing the bass on and the start button (for devices from Samsung) volume. This mode offers some options. Select delete cache partition to navigate through the options with the volume control. Confirm with the power button.
The problem is that the download does not work with any application, nor can open once downloaded.
Solution: There is simply no more space on your Android phone. Remove all unnecessary data such as music, video or large applications.
Google Play Store "Error 921"
We do not know yet that causes this problem, but we have the solution.
Solution: Try to clear the cache of the Google Play Store app memory. If this fails, delete all data from the Google Play Store app, but please note that this will consequently remove all values that have already done. As a last resort, delete your Google account, restart the device and enter again.
Google Play Store "Error 923"
The problem is that an error message when you synchronize your Google or the cache memory is insufficient.
Solution: Delete your Google account and delete all unnecessary applications that just take up space. Then restart the device in recovery mode. Select wipe cache partition and begin your device as usual. Do not worry, no personal data will be deleted. Configure your Google account once again.
Google Play Store "Error 927"
The problem we have also unknown.
Solution: Wait a few minutes until the Google Play Store is fully updated. If the problem persists, go to Settings, Applications, go to All re-clean all data and then force stop. Do the same with the Google Play Store application.
Solution 7, Restore factory data of the entire device
If hs finally I tried all the above solutions and none have solved the problems with Google Play then you should use the latest and infallible resolved, restore the last fábrica.Esta data erase all data from your phone, images, applications, videos etc .. so it is advisable to backup. To perform this step you see 'Settings' Backup and restart' and find the option 'Restore Factory data' and clicar.Su device will be restored again and will configure everything again.
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