+5 votes
in Sony by (12.2k points)
How to configure your modem to avoid NAT Type 3

1 Answer

+6 votes
by (201k points)
These days several members of our community, including this server have confronted problems to share in online matches of our favorite games like Borderlands, Rock Band 2 and Modern Warfare 2, these games. Together we have found that the problem is with our PS3 connecting to the Internet using modems service provider (ISP) Dmax. I think I found the solution that eluded us both. Read on to discover the answer to both litters buscando.Sin enter many technical terms of information systems, the problem we have is that the PS3 brings us to our connection is classified as NAT Type 3. The same PS3 explains that this type connection is restrictive and can cause problems with speech communication and some games with online multiplayer modes. To change the type of NAT, we have to configure the way our modem communicates with the PS3. Then I explain how I managed to configure my modem Thompson TG782:
  1. First you update the firmware of the modem, if they have not yet done. To this must www.dmaxpr.com access. Upon reaching the principar page click on the Help tab. Help page shows you a table and the second option is to update the modem Thompson TG782. Follow the instructions presented to them there. To upgrade your PC or Laptop modem must be connected to the modem via Ethernet cable. If you face problems to upgrade, disconnect the modem, wait 10 seconds and try to turn it denuevo the process.
  2. With the updated modem, press the START button and then NETWORK. The next screen should show them your modem and the computers that are connected to your home network. Select your modem doing a right click and then view device webpage.
  3. When selecting your modem you must exit a screen that asks them to enter the Username and Password. These are the serial number of your modem. Then you must exit the website to modify your modem.
  4. The page is divided into sections. The one we are interested in Home Network. There are all devices contectados your modem should appear. Make sure the PS3 is turned on to be recognized. Select the device that corresponds to the PS3.
  5. Press the Configure button. On the next screen you have several options, among them you can change the device name and type, but what we want is to check the box that says Always Use the Same IP Address. Then click Apply. This is the magic bullet that solved my problems and two people confirmed at the time of writing this post.
That's all. Hope you like it worked and as always we encourage you to share with us if you managed to do successfully.
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