+13 votes
in IOS by (3.8k points)
Solution to the problems of accidents and empty lists Cydia

1 Answer

+6 votes
by (201k points)
Solving the problem of drain and source packages
Log SSH on the iPhone, to the following path:
/ Private / var / lib / apt / lists.
Multiple files and a folder (partial) will be found.
Delete all files, but be careful not to delete the "partial" folder
Then open Cydia and find everything as before.
General troubleshooting and accidents in Cydia
This method will reinstall Cydia file as ".dev" to be downloaded from iSpazio.
They need to have installed Mobile Terminal from Cydia on your device
Download Cydia.deb (registration required iSpazio forum)
Upload the downloaded through SSH package in the directory:
"/ Var / mobile"

Open Mobile Terminal and then type the command:
sudo  root
alpine (or password have changed)
dpkg -i Cydia.deb
When the operation is completed successfully, run a respring and open Cydia.
We will have Cydia installed again
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