+9 votes
in IOS by (12.2k points)

Easily fix the error loading packages and repositories Cydia

1 Answer

+10 votes
by (201k points)


The error itself says something like "You exceeded the number of package names ..." as shown in the picture below.
After this error, if we go to Cydia tab changes, we will totally blank and if we enter any repository the same, as shown in the screenshot:
I know everything will be familiar shown above, for this in the following paragraph we will explain how to fix this error and make Cydia work properly to enjoy our favorite Tweaks and Apps.
How to fix?
You can always add the repository again, making the process in reverse and let the chords repositories to your daily use of Tweaks, Apps and Themes. To do this go into Cydia to "Manage -> Edit and top left Add" to add a new source or repo.
With these two simple steps to remove a couple of repositories, fix this error that many (in which I include myself) we scared at one point as it seems that Cydia is useless. I know cases of people who have restored and reinstalled the JB for this error. For there is no more scares below I leave as avoiding this damn error and have Cydia is at 100%.
How to avoid it again?
As recommended that I leave, I can say that to avoid overloading Cydia instaléis 3 or at most 4 repos over existing ones by default so we save scares and problems like this when loaded. I leave my 2 favorite repositories that never fail in my iDevices and you have never given me problems:
We hope to resolve all your doubts about this error Cydia that, as you can see are easy to fix, greetings to all, see you in an upcoming post :)
This common mistake, we will get to add a new source or repository or charge to enter if we have many installed Cydia repos. We will fix it as follows:
Step 1:
We will enter Cydia, we'll go to the "Manage" tab inside handle press top right where it says "Edit" and remove the last repository that we had an error or if this is not your case, deleting one or two repos of which meno you use or think you bring little benefit.
Step 2:
After removing the repository that gave us the error or delete the necessary and wait a few seconds for Cydia "Recharge" again, we see that if we go to the tab changes, we turn out the Tweaks, Themes and Apps normally as shown in picture:
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