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How to play Pokemon GO on Computer

1 Answer

+13 votes

We tell you how to play Pokemon Go on the computer and joining fashion players smartphones.

Go Pokémon is proving to be a sensation, much higher than predicted even the highest expectations; however, not everyone can play.

For starters, the game is not officially available worldwide, so there are still millions of players waiting to get home.

How to play Pokémon Go on the computer

In addition, it is only available for mobile systems, iOS and Android. Okay, it's likely that if you have a smartphone, use one of these two systems, but you might not be interested much play on mobile, the game is not compatible with your model, or just want not "kick" the city ​​for Pokémon.

Go Pokémon how to play on the computer

An alternative, unofficial, is to play with Android emulator for PC. However, to achieve this will have to take several steps, so let's stop introduction and let's start:

1 - Install Bluestacks

Bluestacks is one of the best Android PC emulators and will allow us not only to play Pokémon Go, but other titles and mobile applications.

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This step is very simple, just download Bluestacks their official website and install it in the folder of your choice.

Disables the camera 2-

Since you're with Bluestacks is a good idea to disable access to the camera. Thus Bluestacks will run as if on a mobile tubeless. We want to do this because in Pokémon Go the main way to capture pokémon is with the camera, but we can also do

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To disable the camera, open the menu or home screen and search "regedit". This is the registry editor, and we must be very careful when using it. We must navigate to the following registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> BlueStacks -> Guests -> Android -> Settings.

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Double click on the registry entry name "Camera" and change the value to 0.

3 - Install Kingroot

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We need root access, so Kingroot is a good alternative. We just downloaded the apk from the official website , and click on "Install apk" in Bluestacks.

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We opened Kingroot (have to scroll through several screens until we can "start now") and click on "Fix it now". It may take some time to root the device that we are emulating. When finished, restart the gear and clicking "Restart the complement Android" system.

4 - Install Lucky Patcher

Lucky Patcher allow us to add a false GPS system, Pokémon Go to deceive, because unless you're using a laptop, we can not find new pokémon if we play on our computer.

5- Install fakeGPS

This is the software that allows you to install a false GPS, but can not install it as such, we have to use Lucky Patcher. First, download the apk fakeGPS  in your folder "Documents" on your computer.

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We opened Lucky Patcher (we have to give permission root) and click on "Rebuilding & install" you are at the bottom.

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Then click on "sdcard" and "Windows" you can access the "Documents" folder, where you can select the apk FakeGPS. Click "Install as a system application" confirms in the next question and the next answers that do not want to reboot.

6- Clean it all

manually close all your open apps until you stay with the start of Bluestacks menu. Restart manually using the menu Bluestacks on the gear icon.

7- Install Pokémon Go

Finally, get the apk Go Pokémon (but watch download any apk, because there are many versions that include malware), and install the game from Bluestacks like any other app.

8- Start the false GPS

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Before playing, you have to start FakeGPS. To do this, open Lucky Patcher, click on "Search" at the bottom, and then "Filters" in the upper right. Hence, filter the list by "System Applications", and you'll see FakeGPS. Click on it and "run application".

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Open FakeGPS settings (top right menu) and activate the expert mode.

FakeGPS in the app, find the location where you want to start looking pokémon, double-click on it and click the button "Play" in the lower right corner. The app will close by itself, but from now this will be the location of GPS to get the apps we execute.

9 - Play Pokemon Go

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Finally, we just have to start Go Pokémon app and log in with your Google account. Be sure to say NO when the game asks you to use your location.

10 - Be patient

Note that on your computer you can never enjoy an identical experience to that of smartphones. Not onlyyou may not have the best of Pokemon Go, go explore the world looking pokémon , but also suffer bugs and problems related to emulation.

For example, many users are complaining that the game is out of the game as we try to catch a pokémon , but that can be fixed by reinstalling Bluestacks and following all the steps again. And as you see in my catch, FakeGPS may not work as it should and the game does not get the location, in which case you will have to touch the configuration and Bluestacks Android.

It is clear that Nintendo never launch Niantic and Pokémon Go to computer, so this is the closest we have.

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