+14 votes
in Android by (12.8k points)
How to install Android SDK, Android App Build Environment and Eclipse, Linux tools to begin designing our mobile apps

2 Answers

+11 votes
by (11.9k points)
to develop and deploy applications for mobile phones , it is necessary for us to get the right software to build android platform. These tools known colloquially as - frameworks - are available for free through the official pages of Android, which are accompanied by their corresponding tools and libraries . Regarding the description for Windows systems / OS system if we lower the actions are similar because the packets are delivered in executable formats without any mere complication - . Exe - not in the case of GNU / Linux where we proceed from terminal manager , through his command known as Super Administrators of the system, whereby the task to install the Android SDK framework , PhoneGap , and development tools for Android also uses HTML , CSS, and Javascript libraries ( jQuery Mobile / jQTouch ) is a bit more complicated through a terminal command .
Notice , this is not a tutorial on how the mobile app created .
+14 votes
by (11.9k points)
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