+8 votes
in Android by (10.4k points)
I want to use my Android phone as a webcam, can you explain me how to do step by step?

3 Answers

+9 votes
by (26.3k points)

IP Webcam is an application that lets you use a PC 's webcam an Android device connected via WiFi to a local network .

The webcam can be used with virtually any program, including Skype or MSN Messenger , and is accessible from a web browser via HTTP or media players like VLC Player .

To use this tool you must install IP Webcam on the Android device and a small PC application called IP Camera Adapter that allows the computer to obtain images of the webcam.

What uses can be given to IP Webcam? For anyone you can think of, including: monitoring a baby in her crib or park while his father or mother work or prepare food with computer off (remember that the mobile must be connected to the local network where it is the PC).


Install and configure IP Webcam Android

Access the official website of IP Webcam in Google Play , either through mobile or PC, download and install the application.

Capture page in Google Play IP WebcamRemember that we activate the WiFi mobile phone to connect the webcam to the PC via the local network. No need to consult the IP address that is assigned to the phone, as you can see from IP Webcam.

In principle, it is not necessary to modify the settings of IP Webcam to start working, but if you want to get a better picture try changing the resolution and quality. It is also possible to specify a username and password to limit access to the camera.

Configuration Options IP WebcamThe option Start Server starts distributing video over the local network . Once the server started, at the bottom you can see the entire address, including the port, which is using the camera (picture illustrating this article is If the address is formatted differently is that you forgot to activate the WiFi connection or are using a mobile data connection instead of WiFi.

IP Server Start button to start the server Webcam WebcamImage capture served by the server IP Webcam

Clicking on the button Actions you access a menu with several options for:

  • Focus : focus the camera image.
  • Stop : Stop the server.
  • Run in background : run in the background.
  • Toggle LED : LED turn the phone device (provided you have with him).
  • Fade : dim the screen to save power.

Options button Actiones IP Webcam Android

Installing and configuring IP Camera Adapter in Windows

To connect from the PC you need to install and configure IP Camera Adapter , camera adapter universal network for Windows that supports output devices MJPG .

Once installed, accede to Start -> IP Camera Adapt -> Configure IP Camera Adapter.

Entry into the Start menu in Windows IP Camera AdapterIn the settings window IP Camera Adapter set the input field is compulsory Camera feed URL , where you must write the address provided by IP Webcam . Replace <your_webcam_ip> with the IP address of the phone and <port> with the port used (default is 8080).

IP Camera Capture Adapter in WindowsThe size of the video of paragraph Video size is best to complete it by hand, since the function Autodetect (autodetect) does not work properly. At the end click OK to save the changes.


Access the image captured by IP Webcam Sykpe, MSN Messenger, VLC Player and Firefox

First, we will show how to access the server IP Webcam from a web browser , in this case Firefox , and from a media player , in that other VLC Player .

In Firefox , just copy and paste into the address bar the URL from which you are issuing IP Webcam , which in this article is the following: Do not forget to put "/ videofeed" at the end, because otherwise it will not work. Here's a screenshot:

Capture image from HTC Explorer by IP Webcam in Firefox

In VLC Player , select the option Open Network dump ... menu Middle and copy the address in section Entering a URL .Clicking Play video capture is started.

Menu Middle Dump network option VLC PlayerOpen Window environment, network tab VLC PlayerVLC Player playing a webcam HTC Explorer by IP WebcamIn Skype and MSN Messenger is more complex, since it is necessary to establish as a video source wireless webcam , which is called MJPEG camera .

In MSN Messenger , to the menu Tools and option audio and video settings . In the section on the webcam should select MJPEG camera in the listing. We click Finish .

MSN Messenger Tools menu, Configure audio and video optionMJPEG camera must be selected in the list to access IP WebcamCapture MSN Messenger with IP Webcam functionIn Skype , go to the menu Tools and click on Options . Then we click on Video Settings and selected as webcamCamera MJPEG . Finally, click on Save to activate your changes.Configure IP Webcam with Skype, tools menu

Skype video settings.  Select MJPEG IP camera to activate Webcam.

Object lesson

Let's look at a practical example in image Webcam IP running on a HTC Explorer Android and post screenshot made ​​on Windows XP.HTC Explorer Android operating system and IP Webcam function

Capture image VLC Player obtaining IP Webcam


Official Page on Google Play IP Webcam :


Official Website of IP Camera Adapter :


+9 votes

What to do with a broken phone, for example, if he crashed monitor? Expensive repair or buy a new one! But do not rush to make hasty decisions - your device can still do a good service, because you can use your phone as a web camera (if it thereof, of course)! And to make phone web cam can be installed virtually any operating system on it, the main thing to know what software to install - and eventually get a cool device to communicate over the Internet with their friends and family - because not everyone has a laptop with built-in or separate chamber of webcam for the computer. But the phone or tablet on Android enjoys every second, so this article about the smartphone as a web camera will come in handy.

How to make a phone web cam?

All applications that allow to implement this task is to ensure that you sync your device via USB cable or Bluetooth, depending on the application, and the computer uses the built-in phone or smartphone camera as a webcam. The image quality depends on the camera itself, and the program. As a rule, in the paid software is somewhat better than in the free version.

Webcam via phone on Android

Android platform in recent years, is gaining more and more popularity, so I'll start with her. Connect your phone as a webcam to help free application called USB Webcam for Android . You can download it in Play Market .

The specifics of the program is as follows: it consists of two parts - the first is placed on the phone, the second - on the computer (there is a version for Windows and Linux.). Works with Facebook, VKontakte and other flash services, good friends with prog Yawcam, VirtualDub and Yahoo Messenger.


So install this app on your smartphone, then the main menu of the gadget go to "Settings> Developers" and check the box on the item "debugging USB». Also disable it on WiFi.

Then run the downloaded application us to use the phone as a webcam and connect it with a USB cable to the computer. After this, you will need to download another program and install it on the computer itself. It is called USB WebCam PC Host - unfortunately, the official website of the developer for some reason is not available, so you can download it from my archive .

Install this program and then go to the folder «C: / Program Files (x86) / USBWebcam» and look for the file there «usbwebcam.bat». Run and see the following picture:

Open settings and as a webcam, select «GWebcamVideo», ie our phone. You will see a picture that conveys camera phone.

Unfortunately, the experience of using on some phones and firmware versions, it was observed that instead of the camera image appears on Skype green background. Well, it is a glitch program, it is hoped that developers will eliminate this problem. But if this program to run on the phone webcam does not work, then try another - DroidCam . It is also in the public domain lies in the convenience store . Download, install.

After starting like this will look like a mobile phone screen - starts the server with the IP, assigned to the phone network (if enabled WiFi) and our port "4747".

After that, make a few configurations in the same file «usbwebcam.bat», you want to open in the usual Notepad. In it you will see the following lines:

adb -d forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080
adb -d forward tcp:8081 tcp:8081

Remove them and prescribes the following:

adb -d forward tcp:4747 tcp:4747

then save the file and run.

Further, from the same archive, which I gave above, install and run on a computer program «DroidCam». It is necessary to select «ADB» (connection via USB) and prescribe the port "4747".

If you want, you can connect your phone to your router to your PC and Android are on the same LAN, and select the connection «WiFi» - then you need to be more fit in the space provided the IP address of the smartphone in the local network - it is specified in the program on your phone .

Another possibility - to connect the PC and phone via Bluetooth. To do this, you first need to pair the devices do (how to do this will be discussed in a separate article).

Then you can open Skype again and check to detect whether your phone from the list of available webcams.

+14 votes

DroidCamX Wireless Webcam.

This application allows you to use your device as a webcam for Skype and other similar programs.The program can work through wi-fi, as well as through Bluetooth and USB. In addition, it allows you to use your device as a microphone.

From the brief description of the program, go to the process of installation.

Important: your device must be turned on debug mode via USB.

First download the apk-file and install it.

Download the client for your computer from here and install.

DroidCamX run on android device. In the upper left corner you can see the IP Phone and the port.

Come on home computers in DroidCamX choose the type of connection (wi-fi, Bluetooth, usb), enter the IP phone port and click Connect.

Now enter the Skype \ Tools \ Setup \ video and there, as a web camera, choose DroidCam.

IP webcam

This program has similar functionality, but it has such an advantage as the absence of a client PCand, therefore, easier and faster installation. There are also negative, it works either via wi-fi or through the mobile Internet.

As always, first download the apk-file and install it. Download drivers . Then run the application.

Customizable video, sound, at its discretion, and click "Start", thereby starting the broadcast video.

Come in Skype \ Tools \ Setup \ video as a webcam choose IP Camera. Come into its setting. Choose «Raw URL mode», in the input field and tick the MJPEG mode.Save.

Because these programs similar functionality and little difference, to advise any one particular difficult.So choose based on how you plan to connect it (wi-fi, usb, bluetooth) and whose interface will be more enjoyable for you.

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