+9 votes
in Android by (12.2k points)

How to use a root to remove unwanted applications Android

1 Answer

+10 votes
by (201k points)
Gain entry to the root of your operating system Android allows you to modify your computer in different ways, including the removal of original and third-party applications. Because the original applications come with the Android operating system, not offered in the Android Market, making important resguardes your library of applications before erasing such applications. As with any other modifications root, the process of withdrawing from your Android is performed using the terminal command in the library of Android SDK tools.
Items you will need
Rooted Android Phone
Package software development Android
Turn your Android phone, tap "Settings" (Settings), select "Applications" (Applications), "Development" (Development) and "USB Debugging" (USB debugging).
Connect your phone to your computer using the USB connector cable, select "Cancel" (Cancel) when it appears to be installed.
Click "Start" (Start) on your computer, type "CMD", press "Enter" (Login) and "d: \ android-sdk-windows \ tool" press "Enter".
Type "adb pull / system / app ~ Desktop / app" and press "Enter" to safeguard all your applications.
Type "cd C: \ Android \ tools" and press "Enter".
Type "adb shell rm -f / {data, system} / app / APKNAME" change "APKNAKE" with the name of the application you want to delete and press "Enter".
Type "adb shell pm uninstall PACKAGE NAME", change "PACKAGE NAME" with the name of the application you want to delete and press "Enter".
Restart your Android phone to complete the withdrawal of the application.
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