+13 votes
in Android by (11.7k points)
Hello everyone, Today I wanted to upgrade to Froyo (Personal, Argentina) version and could not do so because to connect to Kies 2.0 cell was disconnected when passing the new firmware and interrupt the process. I called Personal and they failed to help me, so I said that I contact Samsung for them to give me a solution. Finally, I decided to reset the factory settings via recovery mode to try to solve, but there I found another problem. Now to start the system jumps me a sign: "Process com.android.phone has stopped unexpectedly" which reinforcing the close but still appears. Now the Kies not even recognize my SGS and cannot find solution. Details: I have version android 2.1. I made ​​a previous backup and have the files on the PC. I have the Recovery and Download active modes. Before there was rooted with z4root and unrooting before taking the general reset. Any idea to proceed? Thank you!
by (11.7k points)
SOLVED!  Finally, my brother found the solution. It cleared the SD memory from Settings and then could install the update to Froyo, then removed all cache and go! I have my SGS as new.

4 Answers

+13 votes
Uninstall Kies, use ccleaner to clear all traces of Kies, then reboot pc and reinstall the Kies, see if you're lucky and detected. And then we get into the Recovery 3e I guess I'll have comes from series. We press these three keys at once. Volume UP + Home + Power Off, will appear a menu with yellow and blue letters. With the volume keys up and down the menu and to apply the home button selection. We selected 2 wipe there, will reset the phone completely. And see if you do not get the com.android.phone, the important fix that, what the Kies is unimportant, if not flashearemos with Odin. But begins to follow the steps and comment it. Regards
+5 votes
by (11.7k points)
Solution -1

-On Your Phone Home Screen, Tap the Menu Key.

-Then Tap Settings.

-Then Tap Call Settings (aka call, Phone, or Phone Settings).

-Tap Reject With Message (aka Ignore With Message).

Now check that how many default messages are there on this list. If you have more than 5, Then delete some messages until you have left with less then 5.


- On the Home Screen of your phone, Press Menu

- Now Tap Settings

- Now Tap Applications

- Tap Manage Applications

- Now at the Top, Tap the All tab

- Now Navigate to and tap your equivalent of the phone app (may be called phone or dialer)

- Tap Clear Cache and Clear Data as available

- Now Turn Your Phone off, then back on.
+11 votes
by (201k points)
Surely many of you have as a phone company OMV, and certainly more people passed them there. I am also sure that many Android devices are free, and that fewer people decide to purchase by contract.
Well, first we have a company that saves us, and above do not have to be tied to, and otherwise have a terminal newly acquired Android, and we have to start it. The problem comes when the start, we find this:
Stopped process com.android.phone
Wow ... What the hell is this ?. Many users have encountered this error when starting their new terminal, or failing after restoring the system, although not previously appeared (as was my case).
Well, the point is that, in a stroke of genius, thought the restoration would have done wrong, so I decided to restore again ... My surprise was that the problem had not been solved, and to see phone in the name of the problem , I decided to airplane mode to see what happened. Wow, no longer the problem appears. So, he could almost certainly ensure that the problem was because of the SIM, or more specifically, Pepephone (and generalizing, of OMV in general).
So I had no other to investigate the problem, until I came to a somewhat rudimentary solution, but effective at the end of the day, although after dig a little deeper, I found another option that seems simpler, and happened to describe to .
Method 1: In the rough
Well, we have to do is the following: first we take a pinch of patience, because you may need it. Then, once booted the phone, see the mistake jumping "has stopped the process com.android.phone" every few seconds, and we must go continually closing (there comes into play pinch of patience). Then we access the settings / inalámbircas connections / mobile networks, and here comes the trick, because once here, we must be skilled and accessing APN settings must lower the notification bar with 2 fingers (for direct access in rapid adjustments) and activate airplane mode.
We must be quick, otherwise we will skip the error again and get us out of there.
Once inside the APN's, we delete all appear and create a new one corresponding to our operator. If Pepephone, the data are:
Name: internet pepephone
APN: gprsmov.pepephone.com
MCC: 214
MNC: 06
The remaining fields as they are
Now we can turn off airplane mode and see how the problem has disappeared. For other operators, Internet you will find your APN settings.
Method 2: by application
This method have not tried, as I did with the previous one, but I read that we can download an application that allows us to access the APN still in airplane mode, so you can proceed to erase them. What we should do is turn on airplane mode to stop the error appears, then activate the wifi to connect to the Internet, activate the option to install third party applications from settings / security / unknown sources, and we downloaded this application.
Once installed, open it and give us access to the APN to delete and create our own. Now to turn off airplane error should not appear, and we can proceed to uninstall the application in question, if we do not hold mode.
Here are some options that we can be helpful if we encounter this error, since many people choose to take it in for repair, but that does not ensure that the problem is solved, because it is not fault of the phone, but Android, occurring in versions 4.3 onwards, but not all users, and the truth is that they should review it.
Some have the OMV's generating some problems with Android, and this should not happen in a system that is almost (if you have not spent) at full maturity, so it would be interesting to take note Google. Otherwise you can generate some insecurity many users who decide to change their phone and are in some OMV.
Have you ever had this problem? How have you solved it? If you know any alternative method, tell us about it in the comments and we'll add it to other users.
+10 votes
by (201k points)
Hello, have you tried to restore the factory settings the phone? (Please note this will erase all data)
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