+14 votes
in Android by (14.6k points)

What are the features of Android Lollipop

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (201k points)
Material Design
One of the great new features introduced is called Lollipop Design Material or Material Design: A Review of the User Interface which wants the user experience and navigation between different apps and screens is much better, based on new layers, a light more realistic and familiar visual elements. There are also new colors and fonts that you can customize for higher contrast, readability, etc.
Lollipop puts much emphasis on controlling the notifications for the user to receive only those that interest you and at times will not bother you. Among the new features is the ability to view and reply to messages from the lock screen (you can hide do not want to appear) Priority mode to receive only notifications of selected contacts and services, calls and take the screen (the user can decide whether to ignore them or keep watching that movie), or the notification list is sorted by showing the most to the least important.
Lollipop Android 5.0 also focuses on making better management of battery usage, so that the device last longer. Thus, its function Battery saving prolong the life of your smartphone or tablet to 90 minutes. Also, whenever you're loading you will see how much time remains until fully charged and unplugged when within how long should reload.
All new devices come with Android 5.0 Lollipop encrypted automatically. Also, Lollipop better protect devices against malware and other attacks that reach across apps, and Android Smart Lock appears: assign external trusted devices to unlock handsets.
Share devices
Have you left your smartphone at home? You can call over a friend by simply entering it in with your Android you'll have access to your contacts, photos, etc. A perfect way to let someone knowing that your device will not have access to your stuff.
quick Setup
You swiping twice up and down the screen will direct you to a menu with the settings you use most often: flashlight, hotspot, wifi, bluetooth, brightness, etc.
Lollipop also promises to improve your Internet connection changes wifi to 3G will be more fluid (so that if, for example, you are in a VoIP call, this will not cut it). They also put great importance on improving the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) so that it can be turned steadily without eating a lot of battery.
Lollipop is much faster and powerful: the yield multiplied by four, enhancing my transition with complex graphics and animated. In addition, it supports 64-bit Java apps.
other news
Besides all that I have told, Lollipop also incorporates improvements in recording and playback of video and sound, a more direct and easy access to Google OK, more accessibility options, languages and many more new features.
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