+14 votes
in Android by (3.1k points)

How to set Samsung Galaxy S5 fingerprint  Galaxy S5 fingerprint can you help me

1 Answer

+14 votes
by (8.1k points)
Security on mobile phones is very important today, so no stranger can invade the private space of the user and access files or personal information. What steps can be taken to enhance the owner of a mobile? On Android phones you can set password lock, PIN (4 digits) or pattern to block access to the system from the lock screen terminal. Is there any further measure to ensure it identifies the owner of the cell? Yes, with the Samsung Galaxy S5 can register up to 3 fingerprints to that, unequivocally, only the owner can unlock access to your system and use special features like payment by PayPal. 
The fingerprint sensor on the Samsung Galaxy S5 is located in the mechanical button on the front face, and the way to handle it is slightly different as you would with the iPhone 5S: you have to move your finger starting from the mobile screen and sliding all over it by the sensor, so that it is properly registered fingerprint to complete. 
To register the fingerprint, remember that it is possible to register the mark up three fingers, you have to enter the system settings on your Galaxy S5 and enter the "fingerprint scanner", you will find in the first group of fast adjustments. 
Among the options under "fingerprint scanner" find several options, but the one that interests you at the moment is "adminis fingerprint"
Unlock screen options for the Samsung Galaxy S5
Clicking on "adminis fingerprint", the first time, the registration screen and fingerprint verification, consisting of check mark appears in up to 8 times. When not properly record the track, You'll See an error signal, whereas if you slide your finger right on the sensor ... the system will return a positive reading circled in green. No problem, you have infinite attempts to register the fingerprint. 
Once passed the 8 steps of registration, the system will ask you to enter a password verification system, if unsuccessful while attempting to unlock the Galaxy S5 have an alternative system of access to your phone. 
Once registered fingerprint and introduced digital alphanumeric password, the Samsung Galaxy S5 will take you directly to the setup screen lock, so you can assign a lock "fingerprint". 
To register 2 digital more tracks, you'll have to repeat the process, and therefore, go to the settings of Android, section "fingerprint scanner", click on "adminis fingerprint" and now click on the "+" sign that in the upper corner of the screen. 
Now you have configured a new security measure for your Samsung Galaxy S5, so that no one except you can access the system and the data stored on it. In addition, the fingerprint can also be configured for PayPal payments or to download applications through the Samsung store. 


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