+16 votes
in Android by (12.2k points)
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error retrieving information from server rpc s-3

error s-7 AEC-0

error downloading from server [RCP: S-7: AEC-0]

google play store error while retrieving information from server rpc 7

error while retrieving information from server

error while retrieving information from server

errors RPC s-7 means what problem in play store

how to solve this problem rpc s-7 aec-0?


error while retrieving information from server

hello I would like to know how to solve this problem
Thanks! This works! Just reboot after and update googleplay
Hi i would like to know how to solve  this problems
by (26.3k points)
solution :
by (201k points)
metro pcs error RPC:S-7:AEC-7
Thank you.  Nice music too.
plz help this is my problem too the vid didnt help

11 Answers

+24 votes
by (201k points)
selected by
Best answer
How to troubleshoot "Failed to retrieve server information [RPC: S-7: AEC-0]" from Google Play
If you ever have you encountered this problem on Google Play do not worry you have an easy solution. If I see this message when trying to download an application: "Failed to retrieve server information [RPC: S-7: AEC-0]" you have to follow the following steps:
1. In our Android device, we will go to Settings.
2. Then we will go to Applications and within the All tab.
3. Here locate and will press on Google Services Framework.
4. Once inside delete the cache, then the data will erase and will force the arrest ..
5. We will also do the same steps with Google Play services and Google Play Store.
6. After we restart the terminal and try to re-download / update an application.
We hope you have been able to solve this problem.


i tried this process but still the same problem
i have a gtab
thank you.. you save my tab from being disposal
edited by
Also, check that all the information on your credit card, especially the expiration date is updated. You can also log in with your Google Wallet account on a computer (not on a tablet or a mobile) and edit your information Payments> Edit.
this didn't help at all it just made my connection go down and i signed in again and it didn't work
Why error retrieving information
I cant open my google playstore?
hi kamlesh sharma my phone is samsung GT-B5512 and my problem is google play not downloding any app. RPC:S-7:AEC-7 05YF-EDX7-Z6X55 so, plz. solve my pro
My lg tablet dosent have Google play services
+5 votes
by (201k points)
edited by
Thanks my problem is solve...yahooooooooooooooo
I would follow those steps but deleting everything and setting it back up is a hassle. Besides, some of my apps depend on the account so in order to do those steps I'd have to restore the phone to factory settings.
+5 votes
I went through this same problem on Nexus 7 2013 (error retrieving info from server rpc s-7 ae-0) and it is because your Google account that is linked to your device is going through a standard account check which is keeping you from purchasing paid apps from the play store and giving you that error. The only way to fix it is to go to google wallet and then submit a set of documents to Google and then a specialist from the wallet department will review your documents within 24-48 hours and then will tell you the status of your account. Don't forget that there are 2 sets of documents that you have to submit, one set is for the standard account check which is needed to make in app purchases, and the other set is needed to verify your identity which is only necessary to use other Google wallet services not including in app purchases from the play store.
+9 votes
by (201k points)

To clear data for thus apps, follow the following instructions.

  • From the Home screen, tap the Menu key.
  • Tap Settings from the options.
  • Scroll to and tap  “Apps” under DEVICE.
  • Swipe 2 times to left to choose All tab.
  • Scroll to and choose Download Manager.
  • Tap Clear data & Cache button (Repeat this for Google Play Store and Google Services Framework )
  • Reboot the device.
+6 votes
by (201k points)
If you see the error message "There has been an error retrieving information from server [RPC: S-7: AEC-0]" or if you get stuck when you start the payment process, please follow these steps: 
  2. Go to Settings> Applications> Google Play Store> Clear data and Clear cache. 
  3. Go to Settings> Accounts> Google> Select Account> Delete Account. 
  4. Restart the device. 
  5. Go to Settings> Account> Google> Login. 
  6. Please check that you are using the latest version of Google Play. 
Also, check that all the information on your credit card, especially the expiration date is updated. You can also sign in with your Google Wallet account on a computer (not on a tablet or mobile) and edit your information on Payments> Edit. 
If these steps do not solve the problem please contact support for Google Play.
i dont have a credit card

Does it matter if i am using goggle play or play store
by (201k points)
it doesnt matter for you you can use it without credit card
+13 votes
by (11.9k points)
Yes! Fixed the first try after seeing your proposal. We had been blessed 2 afternoons with little problem, and we could download clan! My daughters happy! Thank you !!
Yes it works. Thank you so much. My wife is happy again...... But I cant find the goggles for google Minhaj
+10 votes
by (201k points)
How to fix the error in retrieving information from the server [RPC: S-7: AEC-7]
Access the Settings menu and then click on the App Settings> App
Google Play Error [RPC: S-7: AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix
Scroll horizontally through the menu until you find the item all, here you will find all the applications currently installed on your smartphone.
Try the Google Play Service and access them.
rpc-s-7-a and c-7-fix-android lollipop
Inside Data and then click Delete Delete Cash. If you have a device with Android KitKat or later you will not find directly pulstante Delete Data, but you'll have to click on Manage Space, scroll to the bottom and click Delete all data.
Google Play Error [RPC: S-7: AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix
Now go back to the App menu> All and select Google Service Framework. Inside, select Delete Data and Clear Cache.
Google Play Error [RPC: S-7: AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix
At this point, most users have solved their problem, then I recommend you restart your smartphone / tablet and try to download or update an app from the Google Play Store.
If the message is still displayed Error in retrieving information from the server [RPC: S-7: AEC-7] please proceed to temporarily delete the Google account from the device.
Here you will find a detailed guide on how to delete the account from your Google Android device.
After removing the Google Account reboot your device. When your smartphone / tablet has restarted again enter your Google account.
This should solve the problem permanently....
Thanks so much for providing the solution!
+12 votes
send the solution for the above error

this is my contact no. : +918106824054
Bro i do this but now google play shows No Connection.
I have 3G connection & wifi also.
+8 votes

I downloaded bluestacks to my pc and got the error "Failed to retrieve server information [RPC: S-7: AEC-]

First I tried to uninstall bluestacks and reinstall - that didnt solve it.

Second: I cleared cache and data on google chrome and ran my pc cleaner software. When I opened bluestacks and hit install on the app I wanted, problem was solved :)

+12 votes
error retrieving information from server comes up when your google account is going through a standard account check so to fix that go to wallet.google.com and then you will be asked to verify your identity when you click send money so submit documentation or complete challenge questions on the phone and if your documents are submitted you will get an email telling you the status of your account and if your still going through standard account checks then resubmit documents.
Hi i would like to know how to solve  this problems
The problem has to do with google account, because I reinivie my phone and not function, error RPC: S-7: AEC, and in no time I could fix it or doing a soft or hard reset, or another account google new, however google my old account, if I let me download and works on another device, so the problem is google server or the same phone, with a poor configuration, poor root or something like thatIt has nothing to do with google account itself.
+11 votes
The first thing you have to do is go to "Settings", then there will see the options of your Android system, enters the saying "Applications", will appear all the Apps installed on your computer, find the Google Play Store and select it and you see something more or less like this:

As I explain in the picture, give first where it says Force stop, then where it says "Clear Data" in English says "Clear data", then search the app called "downloads" the other applications you submit the error and performs the same process and the problem should be resolved.

If the problem persists restart your computer and make sure you have the updated applications, if still persists, you have to remove the Google Account associated with your Android device, then it is solved the problem check again agregarsela again, that they find in Settings-> Accounts. After that you no longer seem the error rpc s-7 aec-7.
If you have any questions leave them in the comments.
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