+16 votes
in Programming by (12.8k points)
What do we need to develop a mobile app in linux application?

4 Answers

+13 votes
by (11.9k points)
Eclipse for Linux distributions based on Debian is ideal for building mobile applications supported under java utility acts as a framework capable of monitoring , load, or compile any application of Android.Eclipse ejectuar is an open source community whose projects are focused on building an extensible development platform , runtimes and application frameworks for building, deploying and managing software across the entire software lifecycle . Many people know us and love us hope that , as a Eclipse Java IDE , but it is much more than a Java IDE.
The Eclipse open source community has over 200 open source projects . These projects can be conceptually organized into seven " pillars" or different categories:
Enterprise Development
Integrated Device and Development
Rich Client Platform
Rich Internet Applications
Application frameworks
Application Lifecycle Management ( ALM)
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA )
- Android SDK. The Android system framework own interpreter or Android. Composed of the same SKD The Android SDK provides the API libraries and development tools needed to create , test and debug applications Android.Si you are a new Android developer , we recommend downloading the ADT package to start quickly application development. It includes the essential components of Android SDK and Eclipse IDE version with built- ADT (Android Developer Tools) android additional tools to speed the development of applications Android.Con one download, the ADT package includes everything you need to begin developing applications :
Eclipse + ADT Plugin
Android SDK Tools
Android Platform -tools
The latest Android platform
The latest Android system image for the emulator
For Windows / Mac Os, PhoneGap Build , JQuery and JQmobile
- PhoneGap . Utility based on web development for mobile app use high compatibility with technologies that natively support systems and most mobile brands such as , Android, iPhone , Palm , Windows Mobile, or Symbian ) so that with this tool guarantee that our app is visible in all available.On when working with Windows / OS , manipulate PhoneGap Build Frakework system platforms, means that you enter with AdobeID . To use the mobile framework design based on Adobe Dreamweaver.
No warrant 100% as to the correct installation of the Android SDK system indicating on this post , conditions can vary ( depending on the capacity of its computer system ) , since this post is based on the installation of a system Linux Mint, but could be carried out on Ubuntu, there also we run multiple versions depending on 32 or 64 bits. What I can comentarle about this version is that the next Linux Mint installation process was successful, so it should not be too many problems with debian based distributions including ( ubuntu ) systems.
+5 votes
by (11.9k points)

How to proceed with the installation?

1. Terminal Access Linux-Debian

Pre OpenJDK6 dependencies for Android.

Access from the main panel system menu via the Menu Option - Applications - Terminal (depending on the version you will find access to the command line in different places)

Once you have the access terminal shall indentificarse as system administrator with root-classic command sudo su, type the command and go to superuser to perform the tasks of installing Android.Once you have superuser status to appear in italics redness, need to install the libraries and prerequisites OpenJDK6-eclipse-ruby, the lib and other predependencias for Android SDK, PhoneGap can work with warranties, so we will first proceed to entering the following command directly insert this line: 

apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk eclipse ruby ruby-dev rubygems libnokogiri ant git-ruby libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
If your system also works on 64bit, you must install two more packages then the following command line but if you work in 32 bits do not need to install any other agency, library or software package. 
apt-get install lib32stdc + +6 ia32-libs (only 64 bits). 
Close the terminal. 
Two. Installing the Android Developer SKD 
In the direction http://developer.android.com/sdk find all the download links to the system you use on different platforms (Windows, Mac OS, Linux), press the appropriate download link to the version of your system operating. 
Once downloaded (linux) and uncompressed we can proceed to download the same from the same terminal using wget, so we go back to a terminal enter the following command


+6 votes
by (11.9k points)

cd ~
wget http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r10-linux_x86.tgz 
tar xvfz android-sdk_r10-linux_x86.tgz


here if you have followed this tutorial to install the terminal must have installed android-sdk running like the following command in the terminal, 
3 Installing Android-sdk tools 
latter action android-sdk download on your system, but now must get another package called android-tools, which allow you to add functionality to the Android-SDK configuration so you must also install in your home directory the following package android -sdk-linux_x86/tools 
Same terminal again need to edit profile in order to embed the android-sdk tools so that you just use terminal write the following command line 
gedit ~ /. profile 
an immediate interface window in which you must add the following line instruction for the android-sdk, android-tools libraries recognition opens.

gdit profile para instalar android tools path ruta geditprofilessss

Once that window open ended clasp should indicate the path (path) to the root directory (home) for two main libraries android-sdk-linux andorid-sdk and tools to do this at the end of entrecorchetes must write in plain, unformatted gedit, the following (copy and paste). the same way as you envisioning this in my screen capture.

+7 votes
by (11.9k points)
PATH="$HOME/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools:$HOME/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools:$PATH" once inserted this line press save and close. Then visualize the changes should have been cast effective. in step 4. April. Check boot path and Android-sdk interface for Linux Mint. to verify that the changes have been effective miss you type in the same linux terminal the following export PATH=”$HOME/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools:$HOME/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools:$PATH” call the program to run by name in the terminal by typing android androidllamada as you see the program responds with a Starting Android SDK and AVD Manager - . All that is left to complete is the interface of Android -SDK repositories asking -update- update through the Android -SDK GUI , and everything will be fully prepared to begin developing their own app for mobile phones. android skd for interface development Detailed view of the Android SKD interface. View of the Android interface with the sdk -tools version 10 already installed in the previous step , through the command line (Terminal) ready to start work . android tools loaded in linux terminal before the interface androidrepositoriosypaquetes Last step dial repositories are available in google Android https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml , are also available through funete of google in https://dl-ssl.google .com / android / repository / addons_list.xml , that may be useful in the Available packages option to have the whole system prepared, ready and about to start. Scored repositories proceed to install them by selecting the option -all- all and install. android repository installation in linux official Site Android mobile app developers http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Eclipse IDE java developer http://www.eclipse.org/
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