+7 votes
in Android by
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Swarm has stopped

1 Answer

+5 votes

Clear cache: Android gives each application a small portion of memory called "cache" to store some data there that you use frequently. These data are used for the application to run faster in the end. An example of this data could be the thumbnails that appear when the application for Android Gallery. You can try to clear the cache memory particular application to see if the problem you have with it is arranged (not all applications store data in the cache, it is worth clarifying). Use the following option otherwise, which includes deleting cache.

Clear Data: This option is used for formatting, reset or restart an application; in other words, leave it as new: as it was just after installing it. Deletes all settings or configurations that you've done on it and delete all data you have stored (progress you have in a game, for example). Of the three mentioned, this is the most effective option to arrange an Android application that is failing. Again, this feature will lose all data on the application: keep that in mind before performing this procedure.

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