+11 votes
in IOS by
the home button (home button) is starting to fail me .. there are times that pulse and nothing happens, I have to press it several times .. other have to press harder to recognize me here .. . :( someone else has happened?
uqe truth I do not want the least order another iphone replacement, especially since this is partially released by failure apple (I guess) .. and do not want to lose have a free iphone ..

8 Answers

+12 votes
by (201k points)
if passed, in fact there are many places where the little button to change it sells, but then lose your warranty if you open ....
There was also an application to emulate the home screen button to not have to press it, but I forget what it was called and need to jailbreak fact, porke was a Cydia application ....
+13 votes
anyway sometimes it gives me the impression that it is a matter of software rather than hardware.
before I rebooted and did well the start button. Now I'm starting to fail.
it's like the screen, there are times when the area around No. 2 (when leaving the keyboard unlock) not recognized touch. yes, you doing a respring with sbsettings, is solved.
+14 votes
Let's see .. how much chance there is that the home button iphone (the home button that takes you to springboard) fails me on two different phones?
ME grounded in the iPhone 3G when I was about nine months and is now starting me to be the same with my iphone4 that I bought in August.
Would anyone else with him?
It is that very often give twice to go to the bar of multitasking and recognizes only one touch. Or give one and does not register me, or do I detect double and 1 ... is a disaster.
I'll take one of these at Apple Store in Barcelona but I worry that have problems because it is released by IMEI (s movistar) and would not want to give me a locked.
+5 votes
This I already put it in another thread. To me since I updated to 4.2 on iPhone 4, the pulses detected no me well, sometimes when I make a pulsation me for 2 and vice versa. But I feel that my software is because when this happens, the animations are not going smooth.
Anyway, I think the double home for multitasking to load many buttons.
I think I only noticed it a few weeks ago .. with 4.2.1.
the truth is that I have some days that I really hangs the springboard. And that I've never done this jailbreak iphone.
+7 votes
Just before restore and recover the backup, with freshly activated iphone, took the test and still fails.
Pressing twice took me to the spotlight screen (as if you had pressed once). It happened 3 times in a row. Then double click acknowledged.
Puah .. we roll go now to the apple store and have to make sure that I get a free one.
+8 votes
He is going to my iPhone 4 for a while, sometimes I give twice and I will search the iphone instead of multitasking and sometimes goes well ..... but come not to change or coñá for I send a refurbished with how well I've tried this, for me it is a lesser evil.
PS: do not put your hand in the fire it is a hardware problem if software because when I bought came with version 4.0 and did not have any problems, was a result of installing the 4.1 and so on when I started notice these failures.
+9 votes
It may be a "temporary" coincidence .. 4.1 out when and wore a while with the iPhone.
I made an appointment at the Apple Store tomorrow .. as I physically to the store, I will make sure that all is well with iphone screen replacement, buttons, etc ... and above all to give me a free iphone, and the current that I have is movistar but released "officially".
I will not let pasasr 3G .. with me and I had to swallow because I had completed warranty, but remember that the last two months when the iphone had met two years, was insufferable.
+10 votes
As having the same problem I did a search and I were molecientos links with the matter.
It is a hardware problem.
My problem now is I do not know what to do. I reported the problem to Apple via the web (by the way that the third or fourth option fault is the button), it is assumed that I would tell you when I happen to pick up the device, but entered the web and nothing happens.
I waited because I assumed that these parties would break, but nothing.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.
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