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iphone 6 error 40

1 Answer

+9 votes
by (201k points)
Error hacktivation in sn0wbreeze 2.0.1 was fixed with version 2.0.2
A friend in the blog, Cesanjer, writes about the error 40 when trying to Jailbreak an iPod Touch with iOS Snowbreeze and the previous version 4.2.1
It seems you have used IREB to get out well to Jailbreak process but has not succeeded. He has downloaded the latest version of Snowbreeze is supposed corrects these errors and it remains happening.
Consulting information online, these errors are directly related to the process of hackactivation iPhone. In some cases it will be necessary hackactivar the device, if you do Jailbreak for example, in other cases, if you are not going to release the iPhone will not be necessary.
We propose several solutions to the case of not needing release or hackactivation on your iOS device:
Download latest version of Snowbreeze (to correct these errors)
Download latest version of IREB (to exit after errors occur)
When you do not hackactivar Jailbreak the device (not select this option if you need Snowbreeze not free)
Remove gs.apple.com line in the hosts file (this is explained) is treated to remove this line by using it.
This can fix these errors and get to Jailbreak smoothly ....
If you keep giving these errors or opens subject us know in the forums, or you can also propose another solution leaving your Comment.
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