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How to change the speed of clicking the Start button on iPhone

1 Answer

+9 votes
The Start button or the Home button iPhone is key in daily use of the device. As mobile users of Apple know, the Start button is used to quickly reach the main iPhone screen from within any application. It also serves to see which applications are open and able to move from one to another. If the option is enabled Accessibility pressing three times is accessed. Generally this button works well, but may, from time to time, slower than expected by the iPhone and goes directly to the home screen is pressed. Or maybe pass backwards, pressed faster than waiting for the device, also becoming a nuisance for everyday use.

It is not something that happens constantly, but almost all happens sometime. Even with one of the shiny new iPhone 6s, eventually the Home button iPhone can be overloaded and not properly recognize the number of keystrokes made by the user about it. Either by the intensive use made of this button device for a delay caused by the operating system, because the storage space is filled or for any other reason. But do not worry, this can be solved.

Perhaps it is something unknown to most users, but you can adjust the speed sensor incorporating click the Start button iPhone. It's nothing complicated, it can be done from the Settings app on the device. By default, the iPhone is configured with a rather high speed, so it is possible that some users click twice to go to change between applications and the device recognizes only one key, which leads you directly to the home screen.

To correct this, first thing to do is go into the Settings app, then click the General option. Once inside the General menu, you should select the Accessibility option. There is sought Start button option. It's down a bit to find, but is located roughly in the middle of the screen.

As you can see in the picture, there are three options: By default, slow and very slow. Just select the one that best suits each. When you switch between the two options the iPhone vibrates. These vibrations indicate how slowly you have to press the Start button to work properly with the chosen configuration.

Perhaps some may wonder why the speed setting start button is located in Accessibility Options. But obviously everyone can use this feature, Apple devised for people with disabilities, people who are unable to press the Start button as quickly as required in its default configuration. You may Accessibility Options are completely unknown to most users, but this section of the Settings menu hides many useful functions. Here we can find small details like the Start button until the ability to handle the iPhone without touching the screen at all.
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