+5 votes
in IOS by (12.2k points)
How to disable the firewall in Mac

1 Answer

+6 votes
by (201k points)
To disable the firewall on your Mac will have to change the security settings of your computer. The first step, therefore, is to go to System Preferences> Security and privacy.
Once there, you will see four tabs at the top of the window: General, FileVault, Firewall and Privacy. The one you want is the third, Firewall, so click on it to access its specific configuration.
Mac prevent default make changes to the privacy and security settings, so you can not change something by mistake. To make changes, click the lock icon in the lower left corner and enter the machine password when you ask for it.
Inside the Firewall tab you'll notice a green light, and a text telling you that today the protection is enabled. To the right is a button that says "Disable firewall". Click on it.
Firewall status will change to "Off" and the green light will turn gray. From now on, the equipment will allow all incoming connections to your computer.
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