+8 votes
in Android by (12.2k points)
How to release a Samsung Galaxy S5

1 Answer

+9 votes
by (201k points)
It's really easy and fast to release a mobile phone Samsung Galaxy S5 without losing the manufacturer's warranty without losing information stored in the terminal by following these steps:
1. Gather basic information about the device:
  • Knowing the originating operator (in Spain can be Movistar, Orange or Vodafone or Telstra).
  • Know the IMEI (He talks easily by entering the sequence * # 06 #)
  • Knowing the Samsung model, in this case the Samsung Galaxy S5 (If you are not sure, underneath the battery is a label that indicates)
2. Check the lock status of the terminal
  • Before applying the code check the lock status of your terminal, lest you have arrived already free.
  • For this switch on the phone with a SIM from a different source operator. For example, if the mobile is Movistar you can put a SIM from Vodafone.
  • If the mobile after asking the SIM PIN, he asks for an unlock code, you can continue with step 3.
3. Get an unlock code (NCK)
There are several websites where you get a valid code, we recommend a very good price and also the code comes at a pretty quick time: www.dondeliberarmovil.com
Alternatively it is also a good option anywhere www.unlockguaranteed.com
or www.zonamovil.es
And finally if the unlock code we need is for a mobile operator an American we can order it www.wikitechsolutions.com
In cuanquiera cases we reach the e-mail we have indicated a code which is what we use in step 4.
4. Continue to literally unlock the following instructions which by the way, are very simple.
1. Turn on the Samsung Galaxy S5 with a SIM card from a source other than the terminal operator.
2. If the card has a PIN, enter the PIN and press OK.
3. The phone will say SIM LOCK, now enter the code and press OK.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 will be free.
I hope it was helpful information.
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