+7 votes
in Android by (12.2k points)
How to  hide the WhatsApp photo, the state and the last connection

1 Answer

+8 votes
by (201k points)
One of the features most requested by most users WhatsApp is to hide the time of your last connection. He has written extensively on the Internet about how to hide and have even appeared applications that allow you to do indirectly, automatically disconnecting the network connection when you enter whatsapp.
WhatsApp to hide the photo, the state and the last conexiĆ³nLa truth is providing this data has clear implications for user privacy. We can not only use the information to deduce whether or not they have read our message, we can also find out if someone has continued connected after finishing our conversation, very typical in situations of jealousy, or meet quite easily the time that someone lay down sleep or rose.
To improve these aspects and others on privacy courier, whatsapp has included new options in the setup menus of the latest official version. This version is 2.11.169 for Android, you can check the installed 'Settings> Help> About' version.
We can hide profile picture, status, and the last time
To find these new functions must go to 'Settings> Account Info> Privacy'.
The new section is 'Who can see my personal information' and has three sections that can be configured independently.
Correspond to the picture that we have decided to show others in our profile, the state is that little phrase that we can store in our profile and time or time of last connection.
WhatsApp to hide the photo, the state and the last conexiĆ³nCada one of the sections can set three levels of privacy, all whatsapp users who know our numbers, only those contacts that are in our agenda or anyone.
A reasonable level of privacy and would set minimum recommended three paragraphs to 'Contacts', thus limit release information to anyone who knows only our phone.
From there, each user to configure major limitation if appropriate. But something you need to know is that if you select 'No' to the section 'Last', can not see the hour of our last connection, but we can not see the others.
To date, it is still not available to all users, at least on Android, version for download from Google Play. But if someone decides not to wait, you can download safely from the official website of whatsapp. A simple way is to visit the page with the phone itself and click on download.
(Note update. Now you can download from Google Play version with these new privacy features)
It will be necessary to first confirm that the device supports external applications through the 'Security' section of the general settings. Once installed, it is advisable to return to limit this type of facility.
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