+10 votes
in Android by (11.9k points)
edited by
Hi all, I have a samsung galaxy and pro and my problem is the following a few months ago delete an app installed applications made ​​in the phone my phone company and between that remove a vital part of the operating system, when I want to go system configuration I get the following message. 
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException:Unable to find explicit activity class {com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings}; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifiest.xml?
Since this root the phone, factory reset but nothing happens, the problem is obviously because there is a deleted file, that way I have to repair the system? 
I have the KIES program and Odin 
I need to do? thank you!
how to fix samsung b5510 recovery problems

4 Answers

+11 votes
Hello! I can not seem to delete the app factory installed applications on your cell phone company. Currently, the app is important to your mobile. You can delete another app that Discharge later. Attention: Do not change the square information at first. Good luck.
+12 votes
by (11.9k points)
Friend entendistes not think I, when I go to settings my phone goes me this poster 
which reads! 
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {com.android.settings / com.android.settings.Settings}; Declared have you in your AndroidManifiest.xml this activity?
+13 votes
by (11.9k points)
Nobody can help me with my problem? At least they can teach me how to reinstall the room?
+14 votes
by (8.1k points)
For searches youtube there is a video on how to reinstall the factory room looking for room to install the factory and phone model
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