+9 votes
in IOS by (14.6k points)


2 Answers

+10 votes
by (201k points)
Since I'm not Apple friendly, but many readers artescritorio if I asked my buddy Rui to let me use his post on how to make a screenshot in iOS.
This information is not new, nor is nothing complex, but can be useful from time to time. Fits iPhone and iPod Touch and iPad:
Go to the application where you want to take the screenshot (screenshot)
Press the sleep button (yes, the top edge)
Press and release the home button (the round, bottom)
Listen for the sound as of a photo (and / or a flash on the screen)
Open the Photos app on your device. There you will have the screenshot you just did.
If you reverse steps 2 and 3, also works.
+11 votes
by (201k points)
Although many people know about this iDevices, there is a fairly large audience of people who just do not have to face the need to take screenshots. I will say a few words about it.
DFUPara keys so start with a summary that screenshot, and why you need it. The name comes from the English word - "Screenshot" means "screenshot". Therefore, "take a snapshot" of the media to keep in mind is the current state of the screen. In iPhone screenshot, you can use the Home and Power buttons (rounded down and the top).
Do not try to push his second per second. For starters hold the Power button (above) then you can press Home (below). Shutter sound and flash of the screen is heard. The fingers can now remove. The image is saved in phone pictures. Then you can share with your friends by mail, and generally do anything like a normal photograph.
If you take screenshots during the game, then we must be prepared for the fact that after pressing, the screen does not respond to touch just one second. The method works equally well for the iPod Touch and iPad.
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