+13 votes
in Android by (14.6k points)

How to take screenshots on the Samsung Galaxy S4

1 Answer

+14 votes
by (201k points)
The Samsung Galaxy S4 is a smartphone from the South Korean company Samsung which has lasted almost a year on the market. However, there are still people who are unaware that they have at their disposal different ways to take a screenshot on your mobile. The screenshot is neither more nor less than an image that is from what we're seeing in our mobile. That is, if, for example we are viewing a web page in the browser, to make screen capture an image with the same content is automatically saved to your phone.
Since not everyone knows that there are different ways to make a screenshot on the Samsung Galaxy S4, then we show two ways to make a snapshot of the content of the screen within a few seconds.
Screenshot on the Samsung Galaxy S4
How to make a screenshot on the Samsung Galaxy S4 - Method 1
1-First we went to the screen that you want to immortalize with a screenshot. It can be any type of screen (the main screen of the phone, an application, a game, etc.).
2-Once we're seeing the content you want to save the screenshot, simply press both buttons "Lock" and "Home" from our mobile simultaneously for a few seconds. It is essential to press these two buttons simultaneously, so we may need a few tries to get make the screenshot.
3-If all went well, the screen should light a white border which confirms that the capture was successful and has been stored in the folder "Gallery" on our phone.
How to make a screenshot on the Samsung Galaxy S4 - Method 2
1-This second method is relatively easier to perform than the previous. All we have to do is open the screen that you want to save in a snapshot and should simply slide the palm of the hand extended perpendicularly across the screen from right to left. That is, we support the extended hand on the right side of the phone and slid gently to the left.
2-If you've done this correctly, you should receive confirmation that the capture was successful by the appearance of a white edges around the screen.
3-For this second method does not work correctly us, chances are we have the option of using gestures screenshot off. To activate this option simply we need to go to "Settings", "My Device", "Movement" (it's a hover option that you can click to enter the setup screen) and you must enable the option "Move palm to capture."


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