+5 votes
in Android by (4.9k points)

How to move more applications to the SD on android without root?

8 Answers

+6 votes
by (201k points)
Until yesterday thought to force move apps to SD (applications that do not support it in principle) you had to be root and partition of the SD card as ext, which makes Android the interpreter as part of the internal memory. It is a process that some phones can be complex, and above all, be root entails some risks that some people are not willing to take. 
An alternative method, and simpler than the previous one, to move applications to the SD. Applications that do not support it in principle. It may not work on all phones, but worth trying. The Nexus One works great. For example, Adobe Flash Player move is possible and would be assigned 74 KB instead of 17 MB. Thanks to Paul to explain it in the comments of a post. Of course it is essential to have at least Android 2.2 Froyo. 
The first thing to do is follow the same steps as we explained to take screenshots with the Android SDK. We guide for Windows, OSX and even GNU / Linux. This step is the most tedious. You have to do all the steps, that is, not only install the SDK but enable debug mode phone. 
Once this is done we find the adb application, which is installed in a folder of the SDK installation. This folder can be tools, plataform-tools or another, depending on the operating system and the version of the SDK installed. 
Now we need to open a terminal. I guess in OSX and GNU / Linux will be no problems, but for Windows users, to give to Start, Run and put cmd is enough. We go to the folder where adb is and type:
adb shell 
We should see the $ symbol. Now we just have to write the following: 
setInstallLocation 2 pm 
No answer but will get another $. But we can move many more applications to the SD. Better to use App2SD to see it more clearly. We can now move applications to the SD before could not move, including Google Reader, Google Docs, Flash Player, etc. There are still many who can not be moved, such as Gmail, Google Maps, etc. But we will release a precious space. 
And of course, aware that some applications may not work correctly if the move. And as always, if you move an app that has widgets, they stop working.
+7 votes
by (4.9k points)

I have Cyanogenmod and I can pass them all to the sd, including Google maps.

+8 votes
by (11.9k points)
Could you explain to people who have no idea ??? xQ of that .... 
"The first thing to do is follow the same steps as we explained to take screenshots with the Android SDK. We guide for Windows, OSX and even GNU / Linux. This step is the most tedious. Should be doing all steps, ie, not only install the SDK but enable debug mode Job Telephone "
For me, it scares me to read that is somewhat complicated, I do not want to annoy the mobile for a mistake that you can make. 
If you would set an entry explaining step by step how to do the install program in windows that you would appreciate it greatly. 
xQ when trying to install the adb or android SDK also it asks for another file of 80 megs. 
a greeting
by (201k points)
Get off the SDK zip, unzip, and then run SDK manager to download the files needed to run the sdk, it takes a while. Then you just have to open a terminal windows and follow the steps.
+10 votes
by (201k points)
The necessary files java tool is 80 megs asking me ??? And I guess I opened a terminal will give the executable once installed I guess not? 
Thanks for answering 
a greeting
by (201k points)
At the entrance are some links depending on the operating system you have to install the sdk. It is explained step by step.
by (11.9k points)
Well I do not hear bucking!

See I have installed the SDK from the link there, once opened has asked me to install the JAVA machine xq did not, I've set.

Then I prodecido perform steps link windows screenshots, but when I come to the step that I have to ask drivers to connect the phone not me asking, it seems that the driver nexus one not detect and install it or ask me.

I thought it would xq as I have already connected many times by USB just was not necessary, but nah, then I open the sdk than 2 windows open, one black (the MS-DOS style) and another that is the Android SDK I can install things and create virtual devices but try to create something there and I have no idea how to do it, if I put xq adb shell will not let me on the black screen and there is no way you can write anything.

I searched the adb.exe file and have executed and has left a lot of text in another window but was then closed.

Again it would be too much trouble to put the steps ???? xQ as I sure there are many who have no idea and I do not consider that I refused to computers, but for some things because I have no idea.

Thank you
+13 votes
by (201k points)
To prompt drivers when connected by USB, you need to put the USB debug mode (on the Nexus One is activated in Settings - Applications - Development). 
Once I detected the mobile Windows can not find your driver, you must específicarselo this route: 
C: \ Program Files \ Android \ android-sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver 
EYE route that is in my case using Windows XP, appeared in a different tutorial and if you have Windows 7 will probably be the path C: \ Program Files ... instead of Program Files. 
Once installed you must open a console, you have 2 ways: 
1st: Start - Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt 
2nd: Start - Run - cmd Writer and hit the Enter or OK 
In the command console touch access to the folder where the executable is adb.exe. Write this (you can copy and make right click - paste in the console): 
cd C: \ Program Files \ Android \ android-sdk \ platform-tools 
(The same warning as before, vary from Windows 7). 
Now to be positioned in the folder where the executable is adb.exe (you can check this by running the "dir" command to see a listing of files in the directory) write about the tutorial: 
adb shell 
You will get a symbol of a $, finally writes the following: 
setInstallLocation 2 pm
+14 votes
by (201k points)
The problem is that drivers do not ask me: S and do not know how to make him see me having to ask! It just makes the typical reading something new when you connect USB and does NOTHING I give the usb icon and put that he had not detected the driver nexus one, but do not ask me. 
How do I ask him ??? 
Thank you!
+5 votes
by (201k points)
If you menu hardware detection does not appear to install your driver you can do it manually. 
Right - Manage the icon "My Computer" (or "Computer" if you are using W7) to remove the Computer Management. You're going to Device Manager and look for the phone (if it is not installed properly should come out with an exclamation icon), right click on it and select Update Driver. You'll have to tell it not to search the Internet and that you indicate on a route (in my case it was C: \ Program Files \ Android \ android-sdk \ extras \ google \ usb_driver) and thus should instalártelo. 
Remember to enable USB debugging on the phone before connecting to PC (Applications - Development - USB Debugging).
+6 votes
by (11.9k points)
Thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have already !!!!! 
Xq do not know, but will not let me vote for you, but as you can vote !! 
Thank you very much !!!!! A greeting!
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