+14 votes
in IOS by (3.5k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (11.9k points)
If there is something that Apple prohibits in its AppStore, is any kind of emulators, so all these years, many developers have tried to "sneak" some emulator hidden in any App to play the games of our consoles lifetime. 
NES Emulator for iPhone and iPad How to play Nintendo games on your iPhone without Jailbreak 
This prohibition also succeeded to sharpen the wits of other programmers and as has happened now, we have a web application that allows users to load ROMs NES on your iPhone to play "using the Safari Web browser," which if you allowed and best of all, no jailbreak required. 
To play Super Mario, you only have to enter your Safari browser deesde to this address. 
Play Nintendo 
Best of all, it even lets you run ROMs we have in some of our Dropbox folders.
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