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How clear the history of voice search you do on your Android

1 Answer

+13 votes

Deleting the history of voice search you do on your Android terminal, it is a question that you share with many people, since there are many questions about who appear in the comments of blogs and technology sites.

It is no secret that the number of people using the voice search service that Google provides is growing daily. As most of the services the company offers Android matrix, these are done with comfort and ease.

The reason for wanting to erase the traces of the searches performed by voice is to increase the safety and privacy of the account.

Information to the cloud

The Mountain View giant to facilitate our future reconciliations, keep all our information in the cloud and as such require a change of this terminal will be filled with the "data" or data stored by Google.

Since there are many people who do not want that under no circumstances come to filter your data I will give this simple tutorial.

Process step by step

Let's clear the search history voice you've done in your Android terminal. First of all you must access your account from Google, as usual you give your Gmail username and password, once inside and will have access and manipulation capabilities of all your data.

After that, you will look for options labeled as personal information and privacy, and there you go down to get the "Your commands and voice search", you will see a slider button will move to the new option called "Manage History", you will again request your password Google, and already verified, you can access all voice commands made, you can delete only the ones you want, or if you go to the icon of the three vertical dots you can delete all the "data" of voice commands .

And followed all these steps, you have deleted all the data voice searches you've done, it is important to know that not able to recover, so it's good to think calmly before deleting this information.

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