+8 votes
in Android by (11.7k points)
unfortunately secret lock has stopped

1 Answer

+8 votes

This article explains how to resolve the error related to the application unfortunately secret lock has stopped Some devices have to update the version of the operating system and prevent the use of the keyboard, showing an irritating pop-up continuously, and applications like Gmail or Play Store .

No, no need to install another keyboard to replace the original keyboard or reset the terminal to its factory settings. It is much simpler.

If your Android terminal presents this error by updating to the latest version of the operating system, you must access settings and select the Applications .

Once inside applications , the screen shifts to the right until the section All is selected.

Then click on the existing menu button in the upper right corner and select the Reset preferences .

Although it seems that just using the "Reset Preferences" to solve the problem, if you have not yet succeeded, try to delete the data pertaining to the applications Android keyboard and Provider dictionary .

Care! Because doing so may the Android keyboard is removed. Do so at your own risk. If you have enabled automatic updating of applications from Play Store, the operating system should download it again.

When using the Reset preferences , you should be able to access Play Store, so if you have not enabled automatic updating of applications, click on the menu button and select the settings .

Inside the window settings , enable the option Automatically update .



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