+11 votes
in IOS by
Solution to error 1601 trying to jailbreak your iPhone

1 Answer

+12 votes
by (201k points)

This is due to various causes, but usually has to do with the DFU mode.
Followed to the letter the guidelines to put your iPhone in DFU mode.
Clears x12220000_4_Recovery.ipsw is in your iTunes folder.
Make sure the firmware you are using is right for your iPhone (2G or 3G)
Problem: I am in DFU mode with the iPhone but I keep seeing errors, Error 1604, 1602, 1601 (160x). What is the problem?!

  • Make sure you use the correct version of firmware (the 2G or 3G on the model of your iPhone).
  • Restart your computer and try again.
  • Try other computers or different operating systems (Windows or Mac) .- This is what worked for me.
  • Try other USB ports
  • Uninstall and reinstall iTunes.

You have your other solutions, please share them with us.

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