+13 votes
in Android by
Since last Friday I was being installed applications such as: Monkey Test - Owni Swipe - Privacy Guard and two Time Service is installed and every day more, I can not remember because I come to desinstarlarlas quickly.
I'm worried because I do not know the reason for so many applications are installed, I do not install and worst uninstall and re-install.
Thank a moderator as quickly as possible to help me with this problem. I have a Galaxy Core. Thank you very much for the care provided, stay aware of your news,

8 Answers

+14 votes
Malware is installed when you perform a download of an application. You are very careful when downloading any page, because some of them is implied the malware in the installation itself.
Download Emsisoft Pay Store, is a virus, you can use it free for 30 days, check and see if you detect malware and removed it.
A greeting
+5 votes
Hi Nacho, I'm looking Emsisoft the antivirus application and did not appear in that section should look for? Free on me does not appear, please respond.
+6 votes

I leave this picture:

+7 votes
Thanks Nacho SE., I installed the Emsisoft application, but follow me intalando other, but warns me to uninstall it, thanks again, I hope not continue installing.
+8 votes
I have almost the same problems in the tablet that I install applications and returns you removed and tested format and continues
+9 votes
which you removed "Emsisoft", you will be reinstalled?
+10 votes
Hello Nacho S, "Emsisoft" just notifies me the TimeService application contains aggressive adware, the uninstall Manager applications and in my files> All files> sdcard0 and as usual, I just installed TrusGo Ad Detector Security and Trust Antivirus & Mobile, and I still appears TimeService not know what to do. If I format or reset the phone and on the pc all my photos, etc, would lose my cel? Thanks for the help, I hope to give me a definitive I lose or have my cel wrong.
+11 votes
Hi, Nacho S sorry you had not responded, among many apllicaciones that settled me alone, until last night was dealing Uninstall several times Time Service and Monkey Test, he had spent all day I appeared neither, but .. . and tonight reinstalled all before.

Could you explain me better on the premises of the app on the PC and then the cel? So far I have only installed the Emsisoft informs you that you have installed, it does not remove any. I have also installed TrustGo Ad Detector, and apparently neither the eilimina.

The most insistent are: Monkey Time Service and Test, the uninstall and I soon appear again. Ultimately I have to restore the computer to factory defaults and does not want to because I've never done and I'm afraid to lose my photos, music and even my contact list.

I hope your answer to the last attempt to restore your computer before unfortunately, thanks and goodbye, greetings !!
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