+12 votes
in Android by
com.google.android.youtube has stopped

1 Answer

+13 votes
go into Settings> Applications, delete the cache and data of all google applications (Gmail, Google+, Maps,youtube etc ...) After your Google removes the phone, reboot and you logueas of again from scratch. To me it worked me a couple of hours, but apparently there is a problem with the Play Store.


You made a backup of all your data? What not to receive messages is stranger. The same has been an error in the update. Maybe you should go back to the factory and re-upgrade, but be sure to make a backup forever.
by (201k points)
edited by
process com.google.android.youtube has stopped
Luckily, fixing this problem is easily solved. Although it is normal to pass first a hard time thinking that your phone has been totally useless because the error message still appears even restarting the phone (at least in my case).
What I have done I have been the following:

I entered my phone Settings.
In Settings, I went to Applications.
Applications I select All to show me which are installed and running.
In all applications, I'm going to end and there appears "Download" or "Download Manager" curiously Off.
Select the application and give it to Enable.
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