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in Help by (26.3k points)
How to fix the “com.google.process.gapps has stopped” error

1 Answer

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by (201k points)
Best answer

That Android is the most widely used mobile operating system does not mean that it is automatically error-free. However, because it has millions of users, every time an error message becomes common, the solution never appears.

This is the case of the pop-up errors known as: “ com.google.process.gapps has stopped ” and “ com.google.process.gapps has stopped unexpectedly “, both have similar characteristics and that is why below , the solution for both is found. 


Solutions for the error “com.google.process.gapps has stopped”

The solutions are easy and varied, that is, if the first or the second does not work for us, we will have more to try. Most have to do with caching, updates, and settings.

Specifically, we have 5 possible solutions for these errors, they are explained below.

Clear app cache and data

The error message may only appear when we try to open a specific application; So, to check if the problem is or is not the application we are trying to use, we are going to delete the cache and its data.

  1. We go to the " Settings " menu of our device and look for " Applications ".
  2. In this section, we look for the application in which the error occurs and we choose it.
  3. Now, in the tab to which we are transferred, there is a button that says " Clear cache ", we press it and wait for the cleaning process to complete.

In the event that the problem persists with this application, we can delete the data from it. The negative part is that all the progress or content stored in that application will be deleted , that is, if it is a game, the saved game or what we have advanced, it will be deleted.

To delete the application data, we must follow the previous steps and in the same tab where the " Clear cache " button appears there is also the " Clear data " button. If still, the problem does not go away, then we must uninstall and re-download the application.

Delete data from Google Play

If the problem does not appear only in one application, but in most or all, then let's try deleting the data from Google Play services. In this way, the settings and preferences will be erased, but it is nothing that cannot be reset later.

  1. We go to " Settings " and then " Applications ".
  2. We enter " Google Play Service ", immediately afterwards, we do the same with " Storage " and finally " Manage space ".
  3. We choose the option “ Delete data “. A message will appear asking us to confirm the action, we do it and wait for the operating system to finish deleting this data.

Disable Play Store updates

Sometimes the problem derives from a failed update or incompatible with the application we want to run, to stop this problem, we have to follow these steps:

  1. We go to " Settings ", then " Applications " and choose " Google Play Store ".
  2. If we notice in the upper right part of the information tab, we notice that there are three points that, when pressed, will display a menu that contains the option " Uninstall updates "

By following these steps, we will have successfully disabled Play Store updates.

Activate the download manager or Download Manager

These errors can also appear because the download manager is disabled. Now, we are going to proceed, guiding ourselves from the following instructions, to check if the manager is activated or not.

  1. We repeat the same route, " Settings " and then " Applications ".
  2. Let's take a look at the sections until we find " Disabled ".
  3. In the event that the download manager, or Download Manager, is not found in this list, it means that it is activated.
  4. But, if it is actually in the list, what we must do is simple: press on it and then click on the " Enable " button .

Return all applications to their factory settings

What this option will do is return all applications to their factory settings, that is, all the progress and customization that is in them will be erased, but they will not be uninstalled from the device.

  1. We are heading to the same route that we have been driving from the first method: " Settings "> " Applications ".
  2. Here we enter the " All " section and begin to reset the application settings.

Let's say goodbye for a while to these mistakes

We have already managed to fix these annoying errors with the previously explained methods, now we simply have to keep our device and its applications completely clean since, as we have learned, the main reasons why these errors appear are the cache and corrupted data.

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