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in Android by (12.2k points)
How to backup your photos Instagram before Facebook change the app

1 Answer

+7 votes
by (201k points)


Now that Facebook has released one billion dollars for Instagram, users of the social network photo sharing remain with the intrigue. Facebook has had problems and is hated by a large part of the community of internet privacy violations, and some are already fearing the worst for Instagram.
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has already said that Instagram will not change with this great sale, but that does not stop people worry about what will happen to the service over the coming weeks and months.
With this concern in mind, some Instagram users and wonder how they can get back photos externally, if necessary. Luckily there is a solution, and is as easy as visiting a website and give Instagram credentials.
Instaportes this website, which lets you download all photos uploaded, or belonging to a specific time range, or have a particular tag.
Using Instaport could not be easier. Simply visit the website and give the username and password Instagram.
Once logged, users can select the date range of the photos you want to download, just download a number of specific photos or choose photos tagged with a word. They can even download all the images that belong to other people, but they have them marked with "like".
The end result will be a file in .zip format containing all requested photos. This is so useful that even if you do not for the reason explained above, if you just want to save or retrieve your photos, or have ever liked, you can user this website.
In addition, Instaport is 100% free !!
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