+9 votes
in IOS by (14.6k points)
How to setup after install Cydia on your iPhone?

1 Answer

+10 votes
by (201k points)
Nothing we have done the jailbreak, the first thing we do is run Cydia to enter their fascinating world. We recommend you to configure the application, you should do in a place where you may have Wifi so that the installation does not cause us problems and become a more fluid and fast.
After opening the application will show the message "Reorganizing" and finished this download, Cydia will close again, blocking the device as if we pressed the button "On / Off" ... back then again to open Cydia and start to configure ...
Now Cydia will ask us about the type of user you are, depending on the degree of knowledge we have of the applications and settings and we will get this little screen:
Here then we have to choose between the categories of "User (Graphical Only)" (which will only show applications for the ordinary user), "Hacker (+ Command Line)" (in addition to the above we will let you install applications for users of a degree of intermediate knowledge), and finally "developer (no filters)" (as its name suggests, has no filter and can be seen all applications) from here suggest that if we are not experienced in Cydia and its contents, you only have to click on "User (Graphical Only)" because we will find everything you need.
Subsequently Cydia for updates available for the applications you have already installed Cydia and updates itself. As the first installation is likely to update Cydia are and we will install it when we leave out a window titled "Essential Upgrade" and we will have, as in the previous case, three options: "Upgrade Essential" (you only install what is paramount), "Complete Upgrade" (which will perform a full installation of all updates available), and the third is "Ignore (Temporary)" we do not want to be updated (for now). The option recommended here is "Complete Upgrade" to complete installation of the updates that are as it is important that we all applications and Cydia always updated is performed.
Now if we have Cydia installed and updated all the Sources or repositories that brings predefined but before we dive into the Sources and Applications, let's take a walk through our application so we know what you have.
On the Home screen or Cydia, we will see the welcome page Saurik and links to social networks to not lose us any news updates. We may also access the Cydia Store or Cydia Store.
On the second page "Sections" we will see a number of folders that find applications in different repositories or sources sorted by categories, if you are looking for is an issue, for example, as we will see all items sorted into folders and so we fast access to them.
On the third page or "Changes" let's find updates of our applications and developments are adding our Sources sorted by date.
"Manage" is the fourth page of Cydia is the most important because this is where we will see and manage the applications you have installed and the sources. As we have three buttons are:
Packages: is where we will find the applications you already have installed on your device and in alphabetical order.
Sources: Here we see the sources or repositories that we have and where we can add or remove these new sources. Now I explained.
Storage: We will show a graph of data storage and statistics.
The fifth and last tab of the application is "Search" and is where we will find the application or utility that you want to install.


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