+13 votes
in Android by (14.6k points)
Our question of the week. Taking advantage of the new year, what are your expectations in the mobile world? What do you expect from 2015 in the smartphone market?

4 Answers

+14 votes
by (201k points)
The truth no matter what you expect, manufacturers will want to put more or less this.
4K -Screens
Among 4GB RAM
-Procesadores 4 or 8 cores.
-Battery Between 3000mA and 4000mA
I really hope or chips better battery consumption while maintaining low power, but that hope seated.
+5 votes
by (7.0k points)
Better distribution of global market share of mobile platforms; Windows Phone 15%, 25% IOs, Android 60%. Or if it can be divided ...
+6 votes
by (18.3k points)
And BlackBerry why? True, it has less fee Windows Phone, but also that people who test a few weeks is happy, which does not say those who have a WP over a week .... As for me down to iOS to 0%: D: D: D
+7 votes
by (18.3k points)
BATTERY capitalized
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