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How to edit your WhatsApp for BlackBerry

1 Answer

+13 votes
by (201k points)
Enter the application WhatsApp and you open the main window, shown in the picture. You see, we have set in the Status tab / state above. Do the same and select with the scroll wheel or touch square.
Hit the menu button with the symbol of the Blackberry. You will see several options, including "New Status" or "New State" as version and language of your application. Pet, A message will warn you that you have a maximum of 139 characters to write it appear.
Select "Save" or "Save" when finished. From now on will appear in the list of states. You can edit the same procedure, but once inside the menu, going on "Edit Status" or "Edit State".
Other variations you see are those of deleting a state or change the order in which they appear in the list. You can move them up "Move Up" or down, "Move Down".
If you want please visit our other related as to have Whatsapp on your computer or create a group for your BlackBerry or delete messages in a group items that no longer interested
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