+6 votes
in Android by (3.8k points)

If you see the message The date is incorrect

how to fix  If you see the message The date is incorrect on whatsaap 

1 Answer

+7 votes
by (201k points)
When this error occurs, WhatsApp does not work properly. However, the solution to this problem has nothing to do with setting the date and time of the phone. In fact, the solution is to reinstall the application. But you must return to clear the cache of the application, or the problem recur. 
To do so, go to Settings> Applications, and then select WhatsApp touch Delete data and Delete  cache.
Clear data e cache
Once at this point, I can uninstall the application. To do so, go to the Applications folder, look for the icon WhatsApp, keep it pressed for a few seconds and then drag it to delete. 
To reinstall, go to the Google Play Store, WhatsApp searches, install normally and follow the guided setup procedure.


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