+8 votes
in Linux by (3.1k points)
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How to upgrade Kernel in Mint - 100% Safe

1 Answer

+18 votes
by (201k points)
Best answer
Hello friends... In this small but not unimportant post, will teach you to install the latest kernel in this jewel of Linux Mint distro that is: D 
Packets will download as explained below are all deb therefore are automatically installed in our system just double click them ... (provided you have installed on our system "GDebi Installer packages"). Lol: 
It's just the order of installation important, as we shall see ...: wink: 
VERY IMPORTANT: If you got installed proprietary video drivers nvidia guy, ati, etc ... must previously uninstall this procedure to reinstall them once the system with the new kernel rebooted ... also recommend you read the comments below, there is important info and / or Further the user experience regarding this procedure ... 
- 1 - Go to this website kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.13.7-trusty http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ ~ / and see a big tree of directories and / or files. This example will access the 3.13.7 version of Linux Kernel. You can move through the other directories from "Parent Directory" in the "mainline" branch to access other versions, which will be added to over time, as well as choose other branches as "testing", "daily" , etc ... 
- 2 - On each of these directories you will see files like "build.log", "Changes", elements whose name begins with "linux-headers", others that begin with "linux-image" and one that starts with "linux -image-extra ". The "build.log", "Changes" and "linux-source" are irrelevant to the task. We are only interested in "linux-headers", "linux-image" and "linux-image-extra". 
- 3 - VERY IMPORTANT: Download and install in the following order: first get the linux-headers file that ends with "all.deb". Second get the linux-headers file that ends with "i386.deb" or "amd64.deb" depending on which one corresponds to your system architecture. We continue with the "linux-image" file to finally get the linux-image-extra file that ends with "i386.deb" or "amd64.deb" again, depending on what that corresponds to your system architecture. It really does not matter what order they are downloaded, but you have to install them in this order absolutely. 
- 4 - Once you've downloaded all three packages, give them double click from Nautilus, Safety, or your file browser and automatically INSTALL, they are deb You can also do it from the terminal and as root, dpkg-i. *. deb and then update-grub 
- 5 - Once installed the packages as explained in the previous section, open the terminal and type "sudo update-grub" (without the quotes) and you enter the password when prompted. 
- 6 - Restart your computer and go. Is selected automatically installed the latest kernel and the system booted from it. Obviously also remain in the home screen other systems and / or kernel is that if any. 
This method is highly reliable and never fails ...: mrgreen: 
But ...: oops: If for some strange reason, reason or circumstance you want to uninstall the new kernel and return everything to the previous state must:. Starting to look up and dial synaptic uninstall deb packages downloaded and installed at point "3", then in terminal enter "sudo update-grub" (without the quotes) and you enter the key when prompted. Restart the computer and go. Left everything as before ... 
Luck: wink:
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