+14 votes
in Android by
How to fix Pokemon GO:  "Our servers are experiencing issues , please come back later"  error?

1 Answer

+11 votes
You might leave an error saying "We are experiencing problems with our servers. Please check back later." In that case, we can do little to solve the issue. Excess players is complicating the access, but we assume that the passing hours achieved the situation normalizes.

So, in case of a problem with the servers, we can only wait. However, although difficulties have taken place they have not been even remotely as serious as could be expected of a success of these dimensions.

We believe that with these tricks will solve the main problems that may arise with Pokémon Go, so now nothing should interrupt your fun. Failures are not too frequent, but some users happen to him. In any case, you now have solutions, so get out there and get yourself ... everyone!
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