+10 votes
in Android by (11.7k points)

How to enable Google Now on Tap on Android

1 Answer

+11 votes
by (10.4k points)

Google Android Marshmallow: How to activate Google Now on Tap on smartphones. Google has recently unveiled its new Android operating system Marshmallow, and has begun to send the operating system to a host of Nexus devices, along with an announcement of a list of non-Nexus Smartphones can also receive the update to Android Marshmallow. To help users of Android smartphones to enjoy the features of the new operating system, there are available a step-by-step guide. The guide tells users how to activate the important feature Google Now on Android Smartphones Tap Marshmallow. Users can also try the steps below on devices without Android Marshmallow. As you know, Now On Tap it is one of the most anticipated features of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which scans and analyzes all there on your screen to extract relevant information about people, places and almost anything.

Enabling Google Now on Tap after installing Android Marshmallow

Step 1: Hold the start button your Smartphone with Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

Step 2: Click Turn On (enabled) when the menu appears based help Google Now on Tap .

Step 3: After you have activated Google Now on Tap in the previous step, the functionality can be checked by holding down the home button anytime, anywhere.

Step 4: Check that the feature is operating properly, Android Marshmallow allow Google Now on Tap function, allowing users to access information simply by holding the virtual start button. Now Google collects data and provides multiple references content requested by the user.

Disabling Google Now on Android devices Tap Marshmallow

To disable the feature, simply browse the menu, then Settings, and finally Voice. After this, click on Deactivate to deactivate Google Now on Tap.

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