+12 votes
in Android by
I wonder if there is any way to receive whats and the person who sent the double check does not appear, I do not mean to double check blue, but that goes gray when you enter the whats (we only a gray check stay even read).

Thank you very much in advance

3 Answers

+13 votes
Open WhatsApp and go to Settings, then Notifications, in paragraph emerging Notification, select "Always show pop". The thing about this is that in the notification bar of the terminal you the message, read it and close the notification without entering Whatsapp, the other person will check both in gray, not blue, but know that you came not that I've read. The other option does not exist, because the second check refers to the message entry in the terminal.

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+14 votes
If that possibility exists, but we would be talking about the famous whatsapp whatsapp plus or reborn.De fact I have and I can turn that option and the others always have in their mobile check in only 1 gray as if I had never delivered the message.
The test or install is your business and get it costs a lot lately and if developers are not going to update it "expires" and the installed version does not let you use it.
But although there exist risks ban and others say there but to me it has never happened.
Googles a bit because I can not get links and search or whatsFapp whatsapp reborn.
+5 votes
in WhatsApp can be done as many other things, but not Whatsapp.
Whatsapp + installation, after leaving the developer "Rafalense", under pressure from Facebook when it bought WhatsApp, is in the hands of some developers to continue with it, making new versions. I do not advise installation.
This developer has created in March of this year, "Telegram +", which originally it was in the Google Pay until Google decided elimimarla, even with the consent of the developer's own App Telegram. The reason, I imagine that by WhatsApp pressure, at the time Whatsapp + had achieved a market share very important that had gone WhatsApp, being better App messaging official.
For Telegram + spend as much of the same (you can hide the phone number) is greater than Telegram (open source) and security is everything, virtually no Whatsapp.
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