+8 votes
in IOS by (11.7k points)
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how close all background applications for iOS with a single action

1 Answer

+13 votes
by (201k points)
Apple needs to give a twist to the user interface of multitasking of IOS, we have said dozens of times. If the mode switch from one to another and leaves much to be desired, the steps we must take to exit an application completely absurd rub, leading to an endless string of applications running in the background that we must close one by one to ensure that none are devouring our precious battery device.
For all we know iOS 5 ballot will not solve so, what if Apple insists on denying us what we want? Easy, go to Cydia and stop wasting time waiting. Remove Background install in seconds, a free tool that allows us to close all applications running in the background after doing some pre-configured gesture (like hold the status bar or make a double click the sleep button among other possible actions ).
Remove Background, for obvious reasons only available for jailbroken devices, also has a list of exceptions which can include applications that want to keep open in the background to access them more quickly so you have total control.
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