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How to create our media data for iOS 8?

1 Answer

+10 votes
by (201k points)
With the arrival of the new iOS 8 has revolutionized everything we have many applications we must learn to use almost from scratch. This time we present to you a simple guide to create your medical data in iOS 8 which are used in the Health application.
This initiative to create our own Medical ID, is an initiative of several healthcare companies in order to be able to put together a wealth of data that has to do with the physical state of each user. Among them we can mention, any allergies, telephone number, name, date of birth and more.
Mainly, Apple wants to promote the use of our Medical ID, a place where we can load all personal medical data and thus function as a space where any medical emergency before anyone can call 112 for free and give us help .
create medical id
Thanks to Medical ID, doctors who attend will be able to view and analyze all patient data, knowing if you have allergies to any medications, what are your medical history and who should call in case of emergency.
Let's do it! To create our own Medical ID thanks to iOS 8 must follow the steps below enunciate.
How to create our media data for iOS 8?
1) Open the Health iOS app in August.
2) At the bottom of our screen, we can see four different tabs: Board, Health Data Sources and medical data or Medical ID.
3) We press on the tab of Medical Data, and us a screen with several options that we will be filling and completing with different data appear ours, such as: name, date of birth, medical care, observations, allergies, medications and contact Emergency for any eventuality.
Once we have completed, we will have our complete and optimized Medical ID. Although this is a great initiative, all users completed this data, but we really hope to never have to use it (unlike other functions of our mobile).
How to know if our Medical ID work?
Good question, to know how it really works this application, we grab our iPhone, while blocked with security code, we press on SOS, and see that we have access to our "medical history".
What did you this new feature Apple? Already have their medical data updated?
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