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How to fix applications or games on Android 5.0 Lollipop

1 Answer

+10 votes
by (201k points)
One of the innovations that came in Android 5.0 Lollipop is the ability to set screens, which has not been as hyped than you should because there maybe others that stand before to users. But this is very useful because it allows us to mark an application so that it is fixed on the screen so we can not close it or minimize it by accident, always having it available together with all data and information until you decide to remove it explicitly.
But attention, we will not be able to set screens just like that we install on our device Lollipop, but to do so we will have to activate this feature. We are going to 'Settings -> Security' and seek the option 'Set Screen', we tap into it and the activator, to enable this feature (and incidentally we will show how to use it in 4 simple steps).
Well, we have activated the feature Set screens, let's see then how to take advantage: first thing we have to do is open the application that will fix, or if you have already done before returning to maximize it so that is the last available exchanger applications. Now when you hold down the Home key to our device will see a list with thumbnails of the apps used and Newer see the 'X' to close (located on top of it) and a 'pin' we allow mark it as fixed, and will be located at the bottom. We tap into it and actually said application will be permanently displayed, after which we will ask if that's what you want to do and obviously confirmed.
One option that we provide will be to disable this action by our PIN or unlock pattern, which is a good idea if we want to be the only ones who can remove that app screen. We can now use the application or game Lollipop all we want, without risks to minimize by accident, and to clear just keep pressing the Start button again, until the application is removed from screen (or are we asked the code for do) and we will show the message "The application is no longer fixed '.

