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How to solve error activation ios 7?

1 Answer

+11 votes
by (201k points)
Many of you, to the desire of enjoying iOS 7 before its official release, have installed any of the pre-final version betas. Well, Sunday October 6, 2013, the last one expired (iOS 7 beta 6).
This causes an error when trying to install the final version of iOS 7 as iTunes detects that you have a beta version on the device and spits an activation error, as long as you're not a developer.
The solution ... as simple as?:
Step 1: Download or update iTunes to the latest version, still the 11.1.1 while along these letters.
Step 2: Make a backup of your device either through iTunes or iCloud.
Step 3: Here comes the crux. As not everyone is giving the same error, we will put all possible solutions to install iOS 7. Go in order and if some solution works for you, stop advancing in later steps.
Step 3.1: Connect your device via USB cable to your computer, open iTunes and click Restore Device. If you a message saying that you can not restore because you have Find My iPhone on, skip to step 3.2 message.
Step 3.2: Enter the website of iCloud, enter your Apple ID and password, click Search and removes the option to search for the device you want. If you do everything you can not install iOS 7 skips to step 3.3.
Find My iPhone
Step 3.3: Download the latest version of iOS 7 (7.0.2) of web getiOS. If you do not know which version you go down, Apple has enabled three sites so you can identify it quickly: iPhone, iPod, iPad.
With the downloaded firmware, hold down the ALT (Mac) or Shift (Windows) key and hit Search update, select the iOS file you just downloaded and accepted. If your device is not detected by iTunes, you have a last option, and it put the terminal into DFU (step 3.4) mode.
Step 3.4: To put the device in DFU mode while immediately hold the Home button (Home button) and the Power button (Sleep / Wake button). After 10 seconds, release the Power button but continuing holding the Home button another 10 seconds. If our work is successful, we will hear a sound in iTunes and the device screen will turn black.
DFU Mode on iPhone
Repeat steps 3.3 second paragraph of the passage and you should be able to install iOS 7 without problems.
If nevertheless you're still having trouble installing the latest version of the operating system on your device, leave us a comment and try to help as soon as possible.
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