+11 votes
in Android by (3.8k points)
WhatsApp not work well on the iPhone 6 Plus

1 Answer

+12 votes
by (201k points)
While it is true that in its early stages WhatsApp was much closer to iOS, the operating system of Apple, that Android, Google's, with the passage of time the most popular messenger of the world has gone away gradually from the Californian company, to the point that it has not yet submitted a version that has been specifically tailored to the characteristics of the much talked iPhone 6 Plus, the largest of the flagship Apple.
Users of iPhone 6 Plus, furious
The point is that, considering how long ago that we know would come to market an iPhone 6 5.5 inch screen, which eventually was named "Plus" is almost impossible to understand how developers still have not WhatsApp introduced to the market a version of the messenger with more users worldwide to be displayed correctly in this intelligent terminal.
Indeed, there are few who believe that once again WhatsApp has given back to Apple, beyond which we can not fail to note that rumors indicate that the new global functions of the messenger, and calls voice, or even blue double check to know when we have read, arrive before iOS than Android. But anyway, that's much less relevant than a general adaptation.
WhatsApp with serious problems in iOS 8
Beyond that, I must say that overall users terminals running Apple iOS 8 operating system is not being the most profitable. First the problems specific to the Cupertino company, which already has had to release two updates to address the shortcomings in this regard, and then because WhatsApp has been the same, with updates that worked really bad.
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