+11 votes
in Home by (12.2k points)
Dear friends, I hope this is the right place for this query, I've been trying all day to get in the blog as part of programs to download Malwarebytes from here and I always get this:
Website is offline No cached version of this page is available.
Error 522 Ray ID: 14381df9155f091a
Connecting Expired
What happened?
The initial network connection between CloudFlare and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed.
What I can do?
If you are a visitor to this website:
Please try again in a few minutes.
If you are the owner of this website:
Contact your hosting provider to let them know that your web server is not completing applications. Error 522 means that the request was able to connect to your web server, but that the application is finished. The most likely cause is that something is hogging your server resources. Additional troubleshooting information here.
CloudFlare Ray ID: 14381df9155f091a • Your IP: xx.xxx.51.87 • Help • Performance and security CloudFlare
I copied all literal, do not understand why there is no way to access the blog and programs, I can only access the forum, I hope you will please tell me if the problem is mine and what happens, I usually have no problems accessing anything, internet works well and the rest too, is that the only trusted site to download the program is here.
Thanks and regards

3 Answers

+12 votes
by (201k points)
Try again and see if you can already access may be a temporary problem with servers CloudFare that is our system of protections DNSs, and be a problem for a few minutes. We are working to resolve this definitely, but the cuts do not occur every day, just on time and when they last between 5-15 minutes only. You can use CCleaner to clean the cache of your computer and temporary that will improve your connection. Greetings.
Please can you solve this problem
Can you tell me where can i solve it it is about 9 hours and its not going
+13 votes
by (12.2k points)
Thanks for the reply, was more than two hours giving this error and finally last night I went to bed, now I go and if it works, it had already used CCleaner several times and was the same, because I thought the problem was mine, but there is already fixed and can give closed the topic.
Thanks again and best regards
+5 votes
by (201k points)
We're glad you solved the problem with the downloads.
Sometimes as you commented Miguelgrado partner, the problem is due to an interruption or saturation on servers or CloudFare protection system.
But also keep in mind that the first thing to do is a review with CCleaner and remembering to take on / marked options tab >> "Windows" >> "System" >> Dns Cache and Source in cache.
After making the inspection and cleaning with paragraph Cleaner and Registry Reboot and see if we no longer have the connection problem.
And with that we give the issue by SOLVED.
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