+12 votes
in Android by (3.1k points)

How close a remote session Facebook

1 Answer

+14 votes
by (201k points)
Sign in to your account (the small arrow on the top right of the screen) and click on the link 'Account Settings'.
Click 'Security'. You will see that changes the contents of the middle column of the screen.
Then, go into 'Active Sessions' to see all open sessions with your Facebook account. Note that if you connect to Facebook from different sites, for example from the mobile or iPad, it is normal to appear here several sessions a priori not know where they come from.
Identifies the session you want to close, you can walk you through the hour, for example.
When you already know which session you want to close just have to click on the link 'Finish activity'.
The system will not prompt, but you will see that the session disappears from your list of active sessions. That's it. Your Facebook account is safe and nobody else can use it.
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