+9 votes
in Sony by (11.7k points)

How to solve an error has occurred in the following application Error CE-34878-0

1 Answer

+20 votes
by (10.4k points)
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As soon as the launch of the new console Xbox One, Sony tech support rained a flurry of messages from people who complained about the non-functioning Blu-ray drive. At the same time received information from the owners of PlayStation 4 Error CE-34878-0 , in the event that it becomes impossible to run some games and stopped by opening saves.

Complaints to the console PlayStation 4 has been given due attention, Sony has released an update that should have eliminated the problem. Despite these measures, the latest data suggest that the error CE-34878-0 is becoming more widespread.

Perhaps, on the background of the problems with the Xbox One, the company Sony has not given due importance to malfunction PlayStation 4, and at the moment is not only a mistake is not corrected, but becomes catastrophic proportions.

Error CE-34878-0 appears suddenly. The user turns the console and can not load saved games yesterday, although the day before everything was in order. From the story of the owner of PlayStation 4, it became known that he had used the prefix for two weeks, was the game Battlefield 4 without a fault, and then began to emerge error CE-34878-0, which is still interferes with the normal process of the game.

The reasons for this failure has not yet been clarified. Data received from users who are not allowed to reveal the appearance of regularity messages with code CE-34878-0 . The error occurs spontaneously, the players until the errors can be quite different. Strange is the fact that the fault message in the console began to appear in such large numbers after a long lull.

Long been settled and forgotten problem returned and requires early intervention specialists Sony. So far, no information about how and when the problem will be solved, company officials did not provide.

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