+10 votes
in Android by (14.6k points)
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Knowing if you have added me to WhatsApp

 How to know who have added me to WhatsApp

Hello !!!! anyone know if you can somehow know if a number is in your whatsapp ?????? me know if that person is online you can tell if you have on the agenda, but the person in question no line, so taking q whatsapp how could this person know ????

who added me in whatsapp

2 Answers

+17 votes
by (201k points)
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Best answer
How to know who has added us to WhatsApp
Particularly if you're a regular user of WhatsApp, you will see how a few weeks ago an update on where the images of the Avatar of some of our contacts do not go, his replacement, was launched iOS users see an overall picture, Avatar default face does not show any.
This change is due to a security setting that WhatsApp is starting to implement, above anyone had our phone number, could add us to your Whatsapp and view our photo within the service, this change seeks to prevent persons unknown to perform this action.
With the new update also prevent others from seeing our image of WhatsApp, we can discover which of the contacts that are on our list of Whatsapp, have we added to them.
+10 votes
by (201k points)
Well, actually the whatsapp not working with aggregates, if that person has your phone number, then you are on your contact list this app, if you do not have your number and you send a message, it will come without your name, and you answer or not, but this is the only way to run whatsapp 
In LINE, what you mean is to have a list of your own contacts that have started using this app and it leaves you the info to these contacts, but not that you have added, just informing you that these LINE yours are now contacts. 
Do not know if this was what you meant 
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