+13 votes
in IOS by (14.6k points)

Problems with the jailbreak? Returning to the official version of iOS if all else fails

1 Answer

+14 votes
by (201k points)
Problems with iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak took me recently to reach the same conclusion as my partner Aitor in his article which was not asked whether the remedy sometimes worse than the disease. Regardless of how annoying it is having to connect your iPhone to your computer whenever you want to restart (or turn it on after you've run out of battery), during the couple of weeks I endured the ordeal I found unexplained losses of connectivity constant failures GPS and a substantially diminished autonomy. 
As on other occasions before this, I decided to return to the fold restoring the official version of iOS until there was news in the scene (the Dev Team for example ensures that soon will release a more stable version new jailbreak), but what was my surprise to meet an unknown error (1013) on iTunes that the phone left me catatonic. 
Having overcome the initial panic, I started looking for the solution to the problem that had become my iPhone 4 in a brick leaving it stuck in restore mode (classic screen inviting you to connect the phone to iTunes to continue) when iTunes contacting servers Apple authentication is detected that there is something wrong.
TinyUmbrella, the solution to the problem
As in other 10XX errors, the solution to install TinyUmbrella a free application available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with which it is possible downgrades and upgrades using our own ECID-SHSH certificates instead of Apple. Attentive to the entire process:
1-We install TinyUmbrella and run it. 
2-Connect the affected device and select it. 
3-We keep our current certificate by clicking on the "Save SHSH" button. (optional) 
4-Activate the TinyUmbrella TSS server by clicking "Start TSS Server" and leave it running. 
5-Let iTunes and click on Restore. If you need to specify a particular route which may have saved the firmware you want to restore, hold down the Alt key while you do click Restore. 
6-If all goes as planned, this time you should have no problems and will restore your terminal without any problems 
7-TinyUmbrella stop the server, enter the "Advanced" tab and uncheck the "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit" box before closing the application to be able to restore with iTunes as normal.
This tutorial is also valid for other versions to downgrade to iOS always that you have previously saved the ECID SHSH certificates-that version (something highly recommended before making any updates if you like to tinker with these things and want to go back in any time. 
Download |TinyUmbrella
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